Saturday, June 6, 2015

Preoccupied by life

 Like a lot of us I dream about winning the lottery. I mean not incessantly or fixated on that remote possibility but aware that the possibility exists. It can be an entertaining pastime. I've designed my home, my boat and used the money for many good deeds. I've traveled around the country, bought my dream cars and trucks and a couple times a motorcycle, although I think I would like a trike ! The offbeat, cool guy always rode a trike in the movies. Yes, given unlimited funds I could do a lot.
 I do wonder though how it would really be. What if I weren't preoccupied with living ? That is to say didn't have to think about money. What if I were free to just do whatever ? Would I use that time productively or  just have a good time ? The later would surely be a sore temptation. Relax and do whatever pleases you. That sounds wonderful now doesn't it ? It is what most of us dream about I think. We are, after all, selfish creatures by nature. But wouldn't that be wrong ? Morally I mean, to waste your time and efforts just having fun. It sure doesn't seem right. Is that the reason the wealthy are always trying to get wealthier ? At least that is the perception I have of the extremely wealthy. They buy companies, invest their money and do that sort of thing. Some drive themselves crazy with the want of more money. Occasionally you hear about those that " overindulge " in the luxury of their lives and bad things happen.
 I have often thought about this dilemma. Say you have a hit record or two and make millions of dollars. Why would you stay " on the road " for most of your time ? I often here these singers complaining of life on the road and how grueling it is. Why not quit doing that ? If you already have millions of dollars you don't need the money. If you are doing it for the " art " just do it when you like. Surely you can get your " fix " from the crowds without having to travel to a different city every day. I would guess you have to really love whatever it is you are doing to be successful at it. That must be the motivator. Does the money become secondary in these situations ? I think that is the real mystery I would like solved, and you too. If I had unlimited funds would I continue to do what I am doing now ? Answer, NO ! Well, yes I probably would just do it in a bigger way. I wouldn't be as distracted from doing the things I like to do but I would still do them. The next question is, would I do them any better ? Given enough money I could create the illusion. With enough money others will tell you how great you are. An overnight success !
 What I'm trying to say here is, after you have all the material things you want in life, what next ? All that remains are the intangibles. Intangible things aren't much fun. If I can't hold it, eat it or ride on it or do something else with it, what fun is that ? The garnering of accolades could become addictive . Nothing wrong with that as long as the good deeds are being done I suppose. Would that be satisfaction enough however ? Just what is it that pleases you the most ? I mean, deep down inside, when it is only you, what is your greatest satisfaction ? The answer to that question defines who you are.We must compare that answer to the standard.
 The issue is which standard are you using ? Societies standard, or your own ? Should our standard conform to society ? That has been questioned by every person that has ever walked the face of the earth. It is a question not easily answered. The first problem with that is that societies standards are constantly changing. And why do they change ? Mostly because it is easier to change the rules then follow them. In a society , at least a democratic one, all you need is a majority to do so. We see that happen all the time. For some , we reject that change. We are forced to abide by the change but we object. Now our standard is in opposition to the society. I'm setting my own standard. Is it wrong ? The majority in the society think so. This can cause anxiety. It causes me to think. Thinking is a good thing, right ? Just because the majority thinks one thing, that doesn't make it right though. Copernicus knew that all too well. He was eventually vindicated.
 I will be completely honest here . One of the things that gives me the greatest satisfaction in life is in being right. I love being able to say, even mumbled under my breath, I told you so. I will not say that out loud, unless of course you are a good friend, but I will think it. I will take smug satisfaction. It is a human weakness. It is wrong and against my own standard. Well, admitting to the problem is half the cure, right ? I'm working on it.
 So when I win that lottery will I spend my time being right ? If you have enough money most people will agree with you at the very least. As long as it benefits them they will. That is not the right I enjoy so much though. It has to be the truth. Further still the other person must realize that they were in error. That is the satisfaction in it, having told someone the truth and them realizing it. So you could say I would be a teacher. That is what I would do if I were extremely wealthy, inform the world ! Now that is a dream worthy of the lottery. I'm right and everyone agrees.  So there !

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