Thursday, June 11, 2015

Near as I can tell

 I haven't said much about this subject, just a post or two. I'm not real sure just how I feel about it all. Here's the thing, near as I can tell Bruce Jenner was born with a male body. I do remember him being an olympic champion. If memory serves he was on a Wheaties box. Now he says he was a woman the whole time. If that was so what was he doing competing against the men ? Near as I can tell it is because he was a man. Of course I don't know what was in his mind so I can't speak to that issue much. I can only suppose he felt like he would rather be a woman. Guess that is why he got married and fathered children, that is what women do, right ? Near as I can tell, he would rather have done the birthing part though. Good thing he didn't change the equipment till he was 65 or so. Men couldn't take that pain from all I have been told about it. At least, near as I can tell that is. Guess he got to skip menopause too. Funny word that one, menopause. He ain't just pausing men, he is skipping them altogether ! In all fairness though women do need a pause from men once in a while, it is a part of the biological process of life. It does affect the mental part that can't be denied. Near as I tell that is what happened to Bruce ! He just started real early ! Man those hormones are something else.
 Whatever choices this man has made in life, and he is a man, they were his to make. Obviously he hasn't considered the effect it has had on others. Near as I can tell, he really doesn't care. Given the family he created and the folks he associates with it is not surprising. Wealth and fame can distort one's view of things. You can start to believe that whatever you do is just fine. Near as I can tell he is right proud of himself. He doesn't seem to shy away from putting himself in the spotlight. For such a personal decision he sure is making it public ! Near as I can tell, he is seeking the spotlight. The man likes attention. Could it be that because he could no longer be the olympic hero he found another way ? I'm no shrink but it is a possibility. I can understand that but it does seem a bit extreme. Courageous ? I don't think so. Self centered and vain may be a more apt description. Now I am not saying it was an easy decision to make, he had to think about it, but I believe he was using flawed logic. Just because you feel a certain way does not mean you should be that way. I may feel like I should have more money but that doesn't mean I should rob the bank. There is an old saying that holds much truth, we all have a cross to bear. Perhaps his was feeling like a woman. Perhaps some mental health counseling would have been more beneficial. But, near as I can tell, nowadays we just say whatever you choose is alright. To say otherwise is to be a hater ! Morality is completely subjective using that logic.
 As far as the whole, " I was born this way" argument goes I can't deny that. I don't know how the guy felt or feels. I do know that just because certain behaviors are apparently inherent to a person does not justify them. Consider serial rapists or murderers, what about cleptomaniacs and pedophiles ? Are they also to be excused and labeled as " heroes " if they modify their looks or behaviors ? I can only say that I feel each of us are born with a soul. That soul comes from God. He doesn't make mistakes. If you start to question that premise the whole thing begins to fall apart. God asks us to follow the path he has shown us. He doesn't want us to just make our own. My belief, my opinion.
 I will say this much. He will be judged, Not by me or you or whoever, but by only one. I can not profess to know what that judgement will be. I only know what my feelings are in that regard. It troubles me in only as much as the example being set. The rich and famous can be a large influence. It is a responsibility on their part whether they want it or not. His example is not a good one. Near as I can tell he is a man that now dresses as a woman. Near as I can tell, he has altered his physical appearance. Near as I can tell, he now wants me to think of him as a woman and call him by another name. Well all I can say is, he is Bruce Jenner, was born that way and he can't change that. There are no do overs in life. In my opinion he has made a decision he will regret, perhaps not in life, but certainly in death. That is my opinion. As near as I can tell he is one confused puppy. His circus will leave town in a little while and the show will be over. Nothing more to see here. let's move on. 

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