Friday, June 12, 2015

take a closer look

  It is the validation of our values that brings us happiness. That thought or statement came to mind this morning. It arrived as a single thought ,without explanation. Thinking about that I was led to wondering, just what are my core values ? That is to say, what do I value the most ? But it isn't that simple a question and requires a great deal of thought and introspection. In regards to happiness what values require validation ? Another aspect in all of this is, validation requires renewal, but the frequency of validation varies with each individual. Is validation the quest or the destination ?
 It is these questions that occupy my thoughts this morning. It is making it difficult to write a coherent paragraph. That is because I don't know just what it is I am trying to say here. It has been pointed out to me that I can become a bit preachy. I get that and won't disagree although I call it by a different name. I refer to it as offering insight. It is what I see " inside " the topic, that is, after all what insight means. So when I say, it is the validation of our values that brings us happiness, that is offered as insight. The proverbial " light bulb " was turned on. We may think that when that light comes on we "see" the concept or idea. The turning on of the light is an invitation to examine however, and not the final answer. Just what is being seen in my statement ? The initial analysis is not one I like. Isn't it saying that happiness stems from having people approve of you ? Receiving praise,awards, or monetary compensation can all be forms of validation. Aren't we taught that we should not seek these things ? What is the reason for that ? That is because we are taught the best kind of happiness comes from helping others. That is the moral high ground. To tread upon lower ground is not noble. The sacrifice of ourselves, our wants and needs is the ideal. To seek validation for yourself is a selfish act. Yet the statement remains, it is the validation of our values that brings us happiness. How to reconcile that premise with reality ? That is the purpose of faith. Faith is the validation of the unseen. In the book of Hebrews it is stated, " Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. " If our faith is strong enough, happiness follows.
 Can you then say, unhappiness is a lack of faith ? It would certainly seem so based on what I have written so far. The strength of our faith is tested every day. That may be the reason for those good days and bad. The good days are when our strength of faith is greatest. Conversely, bad days our faith is weaker. We are happy on the good days and sad on the bad. Faith and happiness are intertwined. It is our faith that is the most valuable. When our faith is validated, by the good things in life, we are happy. All that remains is to strengthen that faith.
 That is a quick synopsis of my thoughts this morning. It is something I will spend quite a bit more time exploring. The light has been turned on. Sometimes the light just shows us what we already know. There are times when we just need to take a closer look.

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