Thursday, June 27, 2024

upgrading the past

  And the nonsense continues. Just heard where Biden issued presidential pardons to all those convicted of violating article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That article expressly prohibited consensual sodomy. It was later removed and made "legal;" by Barack Obama. Biden proclaiming, he is "making right a historic wrong." And that is nonsense. You cannot change the past. The fact remains, it was an illegal act at the time the act was performed, in direct violation of Article 125 of the UCMJ. You can't change that! The question isn't whether it was right or wrong. The law is the law, until that law is changed. As I ask, if the speed limit sign were changed today but I got the ticket yesterday does that mean the ticket is invalid? Try to convince the judge of that.
  Yeah, I get it, it's pride month and we have to ensure we secure that voting block. We are, after all, running out of minorities to pander too. Also, the reason this administration is allowing the influx at the border, a new group of potential voters! If you have been here illegally for at least ten years the past will be rewritten as well, that crime forgotten about and rewarded. And the plan is to reward those that were discharged from the military because they violated the law. Yes, Biden says they may apply and receive back pay and benefits equal to those that served their time without breaking the law! Certainly seems equitable, doesn't it? 
  Look the deal is this. You signed the papers, took an oath and should be held to that. As to article 125 regarding homosexuality, that is what it was called back then, that question is specifically asked by the recruiter. I know that because I was a recruiter! If you answered yes, you were disqualified from service. If you were and said no, you lied! If it was later discovered that you did so you were discharged for that! You were discharged for lying, that was the crime. That hasn't changed and will never change. A lie is always a lie! In a court of law, it is called perjury! The reason you perjured yourself doesn't matter, the fact that you did does. 
  It seems to me if this is going to be the case, just forgive and forget, it should apply to everyone. Everyone that was discharged from the service for breaking the law should be given back their pay and allowances, awarded an honorable discharge and receive all the benefits. If we don't then we are saying this law matters and that one doesn't. Selective enforcement of the Uniform Code of Military Justice? I'm not cutting my hair because it is how I feel, and it doesn't matter. I can still do my job! I don't serve on the Sabath or Christmas or Eid-Al-Fitr because it goes against my firmly held religious beliefs. I'm a male, but feel like a female, so I should be in the Wins not regular navy with all those guys. I'm betting I could be the strongest and fastest Win (women in naval service) ever! And if I am not allowed, I should definitely be compensated for that. 
  The violation of the law was the crime. Whether it should have been a crime in the first place doesn't matter. It was! I fail to see why anyone should be compensated for breaking the law. They were well aware of the restriction, the prohibition of that action and agreed to abide by the rules. They did not! End of story. This is just more liberal nonsense, the denial of reality. It is also a slap in the face to all of those that served our time, fulfilled our obligations and obeyed the rules. It is the reason we were awarded an "Honorable" discharge. What honor lies in lying? That's what those folks did! What honor lies in breaking the rules? That's what they did. The punishment for committing that infraction was well known, published, and explained. You could say it was their body, their choice. And they have to accept the responsibility for that choice! That's how the law works. 
 There are certain requirements that must be met in order to receive this pardon. You have to apply for it. It isn't just a blanket pardon I understand that. It's a process. But the proclamation doesn't really say all of that. No, the big statement is a pardon for being in the LGBTQ+ community. A presidential statement saying that is just fine, we are sorry you broke the law. We are sorry we enforced the law. It's a pandering to a specific group of voters. It's just another chip in the wall of law and order. Another exception to the rule. You can break the law and that's alright as long as we later decide to change the law. Then when we do, all is forgiven, compensation is awarded, and you are declared a survivor. You can, in this case, even receive an upgrade of your discharge. Yes sir, quite the honorable service. Service you can be Proud of. Rather ironic if you think about it. 

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