Sunday, June 23, 2024

It matters

  There was an episode on Seinfeld that I recall. It was concerning "worlds" and how we all live in our own little world. George was talking about worlds are going to collide. It was hilarious because it was so true. It is what we are all witnessing today. We are dividing it between liberal and conservatives, almost as though they were different races. The truth is it different cultures. A great deal depending upon where you were raised and what education you have received. Having never attended a college or university I really can't speak to that except from observation. I noticed that those attending such usually get indoctrinated to more liberal thinking. It's an air of superiority. I expect it is justification for the money spent to receive that degree. Of course, today many expect someone else to pay for that, it has gotten that liberal. 
 But I was thinking about that episode and worlds colliding. It does happen.  In today's world of social media more of our world is exposed to anyone that cares to look. I'm still in the mindset that it is a bit creepy to go looking at your profile page, scrolling down your page and looking through your photographs. I seldom do that unless I have a good reason. True, a good reason in my mind but yours may differ. I have yet to understand how anyone could form an "online" relationship beyond an exchange of thoughts and ideas. Are our worlds really online? I'd suggest that they are not, everyone keeps secrets, things to themself. It's true however that today many want to portray themselves as the survivor. Yes, they were victimized, but they persevered, they are survivors! A world of warriors.
 I would say I have lived in several worlds. After high school I joined the Navy. Now that was a different world. It was a world where I never really fit in all that well, I didn't get caught up in it. What I mean is, become the consummate sailor. What is sometimes called being gung-ho. No, I did my job as best as I could, followed the rules and regulations to the best of my ability and stayed long enough to retire. I didn't become a "lifer" as is the frequent term used to describe those that stayed beyond their initial enlistment. I left that life behind as soon as I was eligible to do so. After that I entered the world of the workforce. Just another guy on the job. No ranks, no ratings, just doing what I knew how to do. There was no "chain of command" per se, just the boss. I wasn't the boss. Today I live in yet another world.
 I would say that I have never strayed far from my conservative upbringing. I still believe in the truths I was taught by my parents and grandparents. If asked I'm betting none of them would agree with that last statement, however. There were many times when I butted heads with them. Worlds within worlds colliding. Now some folks will simply leave. That is their answer to conflict. Others will stay and fight to the death. Personally, I will stay and continue to express my beliefs, my truths and understanding until such time as I conclude it is fruitless. I don't give up easily. I am not easily swayed from my opinions. I do believe that silence is consent. For that reason, I will tell you what I feel even when I'm aware that you may not like it or agree with me. 
 There will be those that you never make a connection with and that is fine. It really isn't one big happy world. History has certainly borne that out. A lot of talk these days about global humanity. We have formed various organizations in an attempt to share our worlds with one another, The most obvious being, the United Nations. There are only two nations that do not belong to that, Vatican City and Palestine. Worlds outside of all the others. Even with all the treaties and agreements reached when it comes down to brass tacks, each nation does its' own thing. Think weapons used in wars, the treatment of prisoners and basic human rights. There are different views regarding that, and no one is changing their mind on that basic stuff. That's why we say things like the Arab world, or the third world. 
 You see, in the end you really do have only two choices. It is one way or the other. The world is a binary place whether you like it or not. It will remain so forever. Like darkness and light. On the first day God said, let there be light. And he divided it from the darkness. No matter how you wish to view that, either as a literal thing or a symbolic one, it does delineate the binary function. And yes, we all operate in that fashion no matter how liberal we proclaim to be. Just proclaiming yourself a liberal does that, just as saying I am a conservative does. It's one or the other. No one is 100% that much is true, but everyone is 100% certain that their answer is the correct one. Never met anyone that didn't think that way, although some will refuse to answer the question. 
 All are welcome to visit my world. I will tolerate just about everyone to a degree. I don't expect anything from anyone other than courtesy and honesty. The amount of interaction we have will be dependent upon that. I don't hate people for their beliefs, unless their beliefs harm others. If we find common ground that is always a good thing. It doesn't mean however we should set up camp. It's what we used to call getting along with one another. Not sure what they call it today. I did learn to get along with others as a child and that continued into adulthood. I can still get along with just about anybody. I am less willing to change my world that I was in years past. I have learned that change isn't always a good thing. Sometimes you just have to decide, make up your mind and stick with it. And that's true because in the end everything matters! That's the biggest error, the most common mistake people make, thinking it doesn't matter. It all matters. It is what makes up your world. Only you can decide on that.  

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