Friday, June 14, 2024


 Today being Flag day my thoughts just naturally turned to Old Glory. That is what I often heard the flag called when I was growing up. It has been sixty years or more since I was in elementary school. I Believe that we said the pledge of allegiance every morning, but because of the years I can't be certain of that, maybe I only think we did. I know the pledge of allegiance however and have always known it, it seems. I also know to put your hand over your heart when reciting that pledge. I'm certain that every classroom did have a flag mounted on the wall, usually at one end of the blackboard. Yes, I'm that old, we had blackboards, chalk and erasers. 
 I'm not certain what is being taught these days in school regarding the flag and flag etiquette. I was told that the flag was never to touch the ground! That was very important back then and to be avoided at all costs. The flag was not to be used as a piece of clothing, thrown around and used for anything but flying on the end of a flagpole. I was taught to stand at attention, remove my hat and place my hand over my heart when the flag passed by in a parade. When our national anthem was played you did that as well. I remember well everyone doing that as we watched the parade go by, parents snatching the hats off their kids and hollering at them. Respect for the flag was to be shown! 
 Somewhere along the way however all that has changed. I question how many of the kids today could even recite the pledge of allegiance correctly. I'm certain that many have no idea about proper flag etiquette or just choose to ignore it altogether. I see it all the time at parades and ballgames. The flag goes by unnoticed, unrecognized. At the ballgames people aren't paying attention to any of the ceremony too focused on having a beer or a hotdog to be bothered. And don't get me started on the whole kneeling thing! And today the flag is on everything, used for everything from napkins to headbands. The flag is an advertising tool, used to virtue signal, but not too much virtue, have to be careful of that you might be a MAGA American. 
 On this day in 1777 the Congress did adopt our flag. It is a symbol of our national identity. The flag tells the world, we are the United States of America. There have been many verses written about that flag and what it stands for, verses written by those far more capable than me. For me the flag is a manifestation of respect. That is why it should be treated with the utmost respect. Respect for the past and all those that fought and died to create this nation. Respect for tradition. Respect for the Republic. The Republic "RESPUBLICA" in Latin meaning from the people. Respecting that flag is respecting all the people of this nation. To pledge allegiance to that is to pledge allegiance to your fellow Americans. That is what it represents. 
 The Flag is a symbol of our values as a nation. Those values were summed up with these words, " we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. " That is dependent upon the virtue of the people. That was summed up by John Adams when he said, "our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." He was talking about virtue there. We should be teaching our children about that beginning in kindergarten. The lesson begins with teaching respect! Respecting the values declared in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the constitution. That is how you raise virtuous citizens. God Bless America.  


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