Friday, June 21, 2024


   I see a lot of comments from people telling others how to spend their money. They should do this or that. Usually whatever they are urging others to do will benefit them. Isn't that surprising? I even saw a person online that says she offers a service to lottery winners. She will tell you how to manage your winnings. The first step being paying her fee. I wonder just how many lottery winners there are that would require that service? How much money would you have to have won before you figure you can't handle it. Personally, I don't think there is any amount I couldn't deal with on my own. If I won it, I can spend it too.
  I realize that the narrative is to invest that money, increase your wealth even more or to give it away to charities, charities recommended by who? The ones wanting your money is the answer. But we are urged to hire a professional to manage our wealth. In my way of thinking if they are so professional, so informed and capable, what are they do working for a living. Seems like they should have enough wealth to retire. Their income comes from telling others what to do with their money. It's true that the best money to invest is someone else's. It's also the best money to spend. 
  I've read where a good number of lottery winners wind up going broke. Nearly 1/3 of them will declare bankruptcy within three to five years. The reasons are many. I'm willing to risk it. I don't want anyone telling me what to do with my winnings though. I'll ask for advice concerning matters I don't understand but that's as far as that goes. I will not allow anyone else to spend my money, you are not doing that. It's a lot to expect of your closest friends, will you give them your checkbook or atm card and say, just take what you need? Could you do that? My wife would have access but that's it, sorry best friends but we aren't that close! And I'm certainly not allowing any financial managers in there either. 
  The bottom line as far as I'm concerned is this, it's mine to do with as I please. That's true if you are Elon Musk, some Saudi Prince or the guy next door. You are under no obligation to give any of it to anybody. You can't make too much money! You can make money that I wish I had, in fact a number of people do just that but haven't shared any with me yet. Could be they will, but that's their choice. That's how my choice actually works, I get to choose. I think I could handle a fortune without any issues. And I think that is because I have always been more concerned with what I need, rather than what I want. Some call fulfilling their wants as being goal oriented. I just want to fulfill my needs. Although I admit I would likely have a lot more needs if I had a few million dollars. Thing is I don't need millions that's why I haven't actively pursued that goal. I'll just take a chance on it. In the meantime, I'm working on keeping my needs taken care of. That is no one else's responsibility. How I spend my money is also my business. 

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