Monday, June 10, 2024

the honor system

  Biden has limited asylum seekers to 2500 a day. So, I have to ask the question, is everyone crossing our southern border now an asylum seeker? If that is the case when did that happen? In prior years there were those that simply entered the country illegally. They weren't seeking asylum from anything, they just wanted to come to our country for a variety of reason. The majority would say they were just looking for a job, a method to make some money to send back to their families. I'm certain some were fleeing the law. But not everyone was seeking asylum. 
 What are the requirements for seeking asylum? First you have to be physically present in the country. You have to have crossed the border in some fashion and not be a United States citizen. If you aren't in the country legally, you are here illegally. Seems fairly obvious to me. You have to have suffered persecution or fear persecution due to race, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Exactly how you are supposed to "prove" that I have no idea. You have to file form I-589 asylum application within one year of arriving in the United States, unless an exception applies. You can't have previously applied or been denied asylum. Biden says no more than 2500 asylum seekers per day! Doesn't say anything about those not seeking asylum though, they can still sneak across the border. They have a year to file for asylum, so what's the rush? 
 People from as many as 75 different nations have been apprehended crossing our southern border. If they are all seeking asylum that means at least 75 other nations are persecuting their citizens or their citizen fear that they might be! Sounds like something the United Nations should be addressing to me. I just wonder if the same would hold true if an American were seeking asylum in any one of those nations. There are those in this country, American citizens that complain about being persecuted all the time. A great deal of the time it is because of political opinion. That is listed as one justification for the granting of asylum. 
 I'm old enough to remember when those crossing the border were considered illegals. That is what they were, in the country illegally. They were, in short, a criminal having broken the law. Then they became illegal immigrants. They were still illegal but immigrating. After that moniker become too clumsy, too difficult to attempt to justify they started calling them migrants. They were just migrating. Migrants do not recognize any borders, like birds in flight or whatever. Migrants just go wherever they like. Of course, that too became a bit of a problem. We had to recognize that there was indeed a border. So, we arrived where we are at the moment, asylum seekers. 
 How do you distinguish between an illegal and an asylum seeker? The purpose of the form is to apply for asylum, it takes an immigration judge to approve that request. Now, you have a year to apply according to the guideline. So, what is really going on is the Biden administration has decided to allow 2500 illegals in the country every day. I'm guessing the thinking is we will sort out the good guys and bad guys later on. Call me skeptical if you like, but I'm thinking blanket amnesty will follow this. Our immigration policy is now on the "honor" system. No need for paperwork, we'll just take your word for it. 
 To enter legally I need a passport or permanent resident card (green card). There are provisions for those working in temporary or seasonal occupations. Everyone else is crossing the border illegally. Could be they are seeking asylum. If that is a legitimate claim asylum may be granted. Things is we can't grant asylum to entire nations! And that is what is going on. You can also file for asylum because you are a refugee. You need to prove that to an immigration judge though. In order to be considered a refugee you have to show that you were persecuted in your country and cannot return there. If you can't be considered an asylum seeker, you can still seek refuge. You are a refugee. But the thing there is you have to have received a referral from the USRAP through the United Nations. Even if you are considered a refugee by that referral, you may be given refugee status in any country belonging to the United Nations. Probably the reason you don't hear much about that anymore. Other nations have to cooperate, take in refugees. And that ain't happening.
 2500 asylum seekers a day. That's over 900,000 a year. Remember this is only on the southern border. Don't look to the north, that doesn't count. Pay no attention to the record-breaking numbers attempting to enter illegally up there. It was only a little over 12,000 last year, well the ones that were caught anyway. Less than a weeks' worth down south. But we will run our border on the honor system now. Just show up, be one the first 2500 and you're in! Yeah, you might have to wait a few days after arriving, hang out in the queue, but you'll get in eventually. Well, that's only if you try to get through the gate that is. If you just sneak across someplace else that's cool, apply for asylum. How valid is your claim? Well, we'll just take your word for it, it's on the honor system. 

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