Monday, June 17, 2024


  I'm hearing a new slogan being thrown around in Baltimore political circles. It concerns the handling of illegal immigrants as they interact with law enforcement agencies. This slogan is "Dignity not Detention." Well because if someone has entered your country illegally you certainly wouldn't want to injure their dignity. There are those saying you have to wait until they commit a crime. The fact is, they already did that when entering the country! Yes, they are criminals and should be detained! You can call that action by any name you desire, illegal immigrant, undocumented, migrant or refugee and it doesn't change the action, you entered my country illegally. You will be detained until a disposition of your case is reached. Should that offend your dignity that's just too bad.
  I often find myself on the opposite end of these arguments, and that's alright I can take it. I get annoyed with all of this nonsense. They are the ones breaking the law, not me. The reason for doing so does not always justify the action. If I rob the bank to feed my family that doesn't mean I should be treated with dignity, I should be arrested and detained. As long as we keep removing consequence for doing these things they will continue and multiply. It's just common sense. We have a penal system to punish, not reward. Dignity not Detention? What are you really saying? If you break the law we won't punish you, we will treat you are a dignitary! You will be welcomed. 
  Look all I'm saying is this. If you enter my country illegally there are consequences for that. You will be detained and given a chance to present your arguments for why you should be allowed to stay. You will be treated fairly, given the same facilities as everyone else. That's what happens. 
 But the argument for this dignity not detention is based solely on economics. The complaint being having to house, fed and care for them as inmates. I guess they are overlooking how much it costs us to fed, house and care for them as they live illegally in my country. Yes, illegals receive more benefits than the average US citizen! Then there is the argument that there aren't enough Judges, the wait is too long. And they don't have legal counsel that we the taxpayers are expected to provide. It's just easier to let them roam free doing whatever they like as long as they retain their dignity. No, cross the border illegally and you will be detained, then deported. Enter again and that detention just became a whole lot longer. I will build more jails, and you can retain your dignity within those walls. I'm calling it Dignity with Detention!  
 This legislation that passed in Maryland in 2021 needs to be repealed. It was passed, of course, by those wanting the same illegals to have the right to vote. The same people giving felons the right to vote. The same people allowing anyone living or dead to vote. A group of people with little too no dignity of their own in my opinion. Makes a great campaign slogan doesn't it. Well, I was told and subsequently learned through personal experience that the old adage is true, give them an inch and they will take a mile. Allow one and a thousand more will follow.
  If any of that hurts your feelings, injures your dignity that's just too bad, I am not sorry for you. You chose to enter my country illegally I didn't invite you. You are trespassing! To trespass is to commit an offense against another. I'm offended! And if I'm offended, I get to cancel you. That is what the same people proclaiming Dignity not Detention will tell you and are actively involved in doing just that with cereal boxes, statues and the names of elementary schools. And that, is how I feel about that. 

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