Thursday, June 20, 2024


   I was surprised to learn that the governor of Louisianna signed legislation mandating the posting of the Ten Commandments in every classroom from K through College. I'm quite certain that will be challenged in court. I can hear the cries of separation of church and state right now. I can't see this legislation withstanding the onslaught and it will be overruled. All the inclusive, equal rights, right fighting folks will be up in arms! Imagine the results if our children were somehow influenced by those commandments. What could be the result? Could those children grow up and start following them? No murdering people? No committing adultery! Don't steal stuff or tell lies about your neighbors! It's a slippery slope for the left alright, ruins all their plans.
  As I said I'm certain it will be repealed, overturned by the highest court in the land. Naturally, as a Christian I support the posting of such, why wouldn't I? I can't see why a person of the Jewish faith would object either. The Muslim people believe in them as well, except for number four, can't see why they would object. Yes, there are satanic cults, Hindu's, and various other religious groups in the country, they don't hold any majority though. Last I knew, majority rules. I just don't understand what the problem is. The ones demanding they be removed support Pride flags, Drag Queen Story Hour in the library, Abortion on demand, the redistribution of wealth, and a host of other moral issues. But when Christians want to display their moral code, that's just wrong! Funny how that works isn't it. All at once those folks are completely secular! 
  The separation of church and state. Once again, I find myself explaining what that means. It doesn't mean the abandonment of moral values, which are what religious texts and beliefs are concerned with, it simply means the church isn't making the laws. That is what the founding fathers meant. Can't have the Catholics and Protestants at odds with one another and expect government to run smoothly. But you do have to have a basic understanding of history to appreciate all of that. There were serious issues with the Pope, his power and influence and then there was the protestant reformation. Problems arose there. Best to leave religious governing policies out of it. The morality part is good, it's the administration that has the protentional for harm. 
  I'm always amazed at the hypocrisy of the left. They rant and rave about their rights. They should be allowed to do whatever they like, without question. It's their body, their choice. They demanded and received "marriage" equality, They have forced their beliefs upon a nation. We are currently celebrating, for an entire month, their "moral" choice. But, I'm not supposed to display mine, no celebrating that. Well, because we have laws against that. It's just fine to hold parades celebrating men dressed as women, women dressed as men, others proclaiming there are neither, some dressed in leather gear walking on all fours while being whipped and that's all just fine. All of that is just love! But, don't be telling children about those ten commandments. Can't have that. 
 And sadly, they will win that fight. And they will win because, it's the moral thing to do. That was written into the founding documents those people would rewrite. From my point of view all this pride stuff shouldn't be displayed anywhere but in their private homes or clubs (think churches). It is all morally offensive to me and why should I be subjected to that? You are saying the displaying of the Ten commandments, the display of any religious object is offensive to you. I can't do that! But you should have a right to do that. And you will use my moral values against me. You are using my moral values for the removal of morality! Can a nation or a people live in a completely secular society? I don't think so. It's a pipe dream, an ideal but will never be a reality. 

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