Saturday, June 29, 2024


   Age and infirmity. Both are limiting factors in our lives. That is just a simple fact. No matter how much we would like to deny that it will remain. It's true that there are as many variables to that as there are in people. Some may suffer from infirmity early on in life. Others may live a good long life without much sickness. Both will grow old. If nothing else, old age will kill you! It's going to happen. In ancient times it was written that some men lived for hundreds of years, methuselah reportedly lived to be 969 years old! I think that is metaphorically speaking, however. But whatever the case was, he died from old age. There were a bunch of others that lived to their 900's. All are gone. 
  Now regarding the presidential debate Thursday evening, I believe it should be obvious to anyone watching or listening that Biden has an infirmity. That infirmity is the result of age. His mental acuity is in question. The mumbling and lack of focus are apparent. He struggled to answer the questions, was often lost and you could see it in his face. Like a deer in the headlights, he was startled and shocked at times. It should lead anyone with a lick of common sense to question if this man is really making "executive" decisions regarding our nation? He is the CEO like it or not. He took a week to prepare for this debate and didn't manage twenty minutes without folding like a cheap chair. 
  Now Trump looked at least physically up to the challenge and his mental awareness is certainly intact. You may not agree with and personally harbor hate or resentment for him, but that doesn't change that. Perhaps he is just a grumpy old man, arrogant, stubborn and set in his ways. Age is certainly catching up to him as well. Your problem with him would be that he is going to make those "executive" decisions! You already feel like he isn't going to make the decisions you want. That's why you voted for the other guy the last time around. An additional issue being he is gaining more support in the house and senate. The political tide is changing. 
  So, we have age and infirmity to deal with. Should we place an age limit on that position? We placed a time limit saying that no one should hold that much power for that long. The fear being a tyranny could be created. Did you notice that Congress didn't apply that same logic to their own positions? No term limits for them! That needs to be changed but that topic is for another day. Biden is old and showing signs of infirmity. Should he, and can he be made to take a cognitive test? Perhaps several to determine his ability to lead? Should Trump also be made to submit to such testing? It certainly seems fair and reasonable if both candidates did so. 
  One argument in opposition to that is it would be age discrimination. No one complains that age discrimination prevents children from buying alcohol or tobacco products. No one complaining a ten-year-old can't drive a car or fly airplanes. No complaints about the age to vote. It's only mentioned when something is being taken away. There have been discussions about that regarding driver's license. You can be required to pass an eye and hearing test in some states. No state can refuse your driving privileges based solely on age. As long as you can pass the required exams, you're good to go. Being a man of 71 myself I certainly don't want anyone telling me, you're too old! The truth is I am too old for some things. I can't compete with youth! Just about any child could outrun me over even a short distance. Yeah, I might be in great shape, jog everyday, whatever but I can't compete against youth. It's just a fact of life.
  The office of the president. The CEO of America. What is that job? It is to gather all the available information that you can to determine a course of action. It is behind that desk that Truman famously said, "the buck stops here." The person behind that desk must be able to take all of that in, sort it out, and make the best possible choice. That's what the job is. It isn't really to establish all the policies, all the plans and promises. It is to decide what is best for the nation. The CEO is responsible for the success of the corporation(nation) and is held accountable should it fail. That's the job. When the CEO is no longer capable of that should he/she remain in that position? Is it enough for the CEO to just do as he/she is directed by the board of directors (congress) or another outside influence? 
  Now it's true everyone loves the boss when things go the way they want them too. When they get more money, more time off, and more benefits. Few are worried about the stability of the company at that point. Things are great! Until they're not. Then workers have to be let go, salaries reduced and nose to the grindstones. The attempt to stay in business is made and the workers are unhappy. That's when you will hear those same workers blaming the CEO. Well, the boss should have known better. You'll hear things like, I would have taken a pay cut to keep my job. I would have been happy to work overtime! But then it's too late. 
  We have an opportunity to replace the CEO in November. You don't get that choice in your job most of the time. It's important to understand that the CEO (president) can and most likely will affect your job. It will show at the gas pump, at the grocery store and in those goods and services you need. Yes, it sounds wonderful when the boss makes promises. Everyone is going to be treated equally, fairly and without any bias whatsoever. All you downtrodden that have been struggling for so long will get relief. It doesn't matter if you are the best or worst employee! It doesn't sound so great when the boss says, we have a lot of work to do, and some things will have to be cut. It scares you to death when you start hearing things will be merit based! What, I have to do the right thing even when no one is looking? 
  Age and infirmity. They catch up to us all. Nothing we can do about that. Should there be an age limit on the presidency? It is a physically demanding position. That's obvious to everyone that is paying attention. The daily stress and pressure on that person is tremendous. It takes a physical toll. I'd suggest the mental pressure is equally as intense. It's my feeling both are necessary to fulfil the position.         

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