Wednesday, June 5, 2024

the defense

  The Hunter Biden trial has begun. A jury has been selected and opening statements made. It is expected to only last a week. The case is pretty cut and dried. He lied on the application for purchasing a firearm. The FBI knows he lied and Biden himself knows he lied. So, the only defense is, I was using drugs at that time. And that's what I have heard as the defense in this early stage. Hunter has made a public statement complaining that the prosecution is making fun of his drug usage and disparaging his moral character. Just because he was dating his brothers' widow, doing drugs with her and all of that, there is no reason to mention any of that. Just because he was discharged from the Navy for a failed drug test is no reason to pick on him. And sure, he didn't pay his taxes but that has been taken care of. And what was in the 239,000 e-mails on his laptop really isn't any of your business! Nothing to see there, well maybe a few hundred pornographic images but hey, this is 2024, we are all cool with that.
  Yes, he is the son of a sitting president. This is the first time in history something like this has happened. The paperwork is there however that proves without a shadow of a doubt that he lied on that form. No one is above the law. The only defense is, I was high. In my view of things if that can be used as an excuse, can't I say I only got a DWI because I was drunk? That's the defense. I was high on drugs and didn't know what I was doing. It's not my fault. The truth is the gun assaulted me! I was unable to defend myself because I was high. Heck, you can't hold anyone accountable just because they were high. And now, I'm a good guy. I paint pictures now, I'm straight and clean as a whistle. 
 Lying on that form is a federal offense, a felony. Three felonies are charged in fact. The government must prove that Biden "knowingly" falsified that document. Is there any doubt in anyone's' mind that Hunter Biden knew he was using a controlled dangerous substance illegally. If you are using a drug, without a prescription for that drug, you know that. Biden has on numerous occasions admitted to using illegal drugs, he was an addict. He's written a book about all of that. 
 The bottom line is this, he is guilty as charged. The only question left is punishment. Is being a drug addict an excuse for lying on the form? In theory he could get 25 years in prison and a fine of up to 750,000 dollars. We all know that isn't going to happen. That wouldn't happen to anyone in this particular situation. Still, he has plead not guilty. That irks me a bit. He is guilty, I know it, you know it, the judge knows it and the jury knows it. I would have expected him to file a Nolo Contendere. Following that I would have thought his defense was, I was high on drugs and ask for the mercy of the court. 
 Entering a not guilty plea is simply another lie. I don't expect much will come of it though. But perhaps it could set a new precedent. The "I was High" defense. Yes, I lied on the form, yes, I know I was high when I did that, but I shouldn't be prosecuted because, I was high. Sure, I say I'm not guilty even though I know I am guilty, but I'm not high now. So, I'll just lie about it.  It's what I do.    

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