Tuesday, June 4, 2024


  Progress. That is what man has always sought and celebrated. Labor saving devices, advances in science, speed and convenience. The result is more leisure time. Isn't that really why we pursue it? Well, that's when we aren't pursuing it for financial gain or as a means to dominant others that is. The acquisition of wealth does consume a great deal of our lives. So much so we have defined ourselves by our occupations. But we say progress makes our lives easier. We have progressed so far toward that easy life we are questioning whether we should even be working at all. Less work, more money and more leisure. 
 It really is quite evident if you just think about it. Take a look at what you spend on entertainment, on those items you don't really need, but just enjoy. Alcohol, cigarettes, movies, television, internet, the latest fad or fashion. Vacations and staycations. All are diversions from the working world. Every one of them a means of escape into your own little world. A world where you get to do what you want to do. That is the objective. You work solely to pay for your entertainment. Yes, there are the necessities also, housing and food, but what are the priorities? What makes people feel successful? When they can spend money on leisure and entertainment, that's when. 
 It has become somewhat a myth or legend, the idea that a person's occupation was their entertainment. We think of the farmer tilling his land, or the fisherman working the bays and oceans, the craftsman taking pride in their wok, in their abilities and going home with the satisfaction of a job well done. People actually enjoying their work! But that was back when the product was the source of pride and accomplishment. What is the source today? How much money you earn, the product isn't important. Today it is more about providing a service, rather than providing a product. The product may be produced as a result of that service, but it isn't a personal thing anymore, it's a corporate thing. The service is to the benefit of the corporation, which in turn rewards you with a larger salary. Then you can distract yourself some more with entertainment. 
 I have been fortunate to have had jobs that I really enjoyed. Jobs that were entertaining to me, held my interest and challenged my abilities. I have had that feeling at the end of the day when you can just stand back and see what you accomplished and take pride in that accomplishment. That may be why I do not claim any one occupation as my specialty. I make no claim to being a master of anything. I can do a variety of tasks reasonably well. I am that proverbial "jack of all trades, master at none" person. Those "trades" are and continue to be my entertainment. Well, that and I do enjoy listening to music, doing some casual fishing every now and again and reading a good book. I'm entertained for the most part. 
 I began thinking about all of this when reviewing my household expenses. Watching television costs about $150.00 a month. Isn't that crazy? Then there are the cell phones, have two of them, each of us having our private phone line, is that a necessity? We each have a computer and of course we have internet capabilities. The computers are for entertainment, that's the reality of that although we tell ourselves otherwise. 
 You have to have a computer and the internet these days, its' essential! Is it? Now even the government is getting involved saying low-cost internet must be available to everyone! Taxpayers should be funding that! The internet is as necessary as electricity! Well, thing is we all lived without electricity. In fact, it wasn't until 1945 that 85% of homes even had electricity here in America. It wasn't until 1957 that 75% of homes had a telephone. I'm thinking perhaps we have developed a dependence on technology. And maybe that dependence is what is fueling our desire for more entertainment. We work to be distracted from the work we are doing. The measure of success being? How much money do you have in your retirement account. What can you afford? Yes, life has been made easier, if you can afford it. And that, that's' progress.       

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