Sunday, June 2, 2024

seeking shelter

 I see the warnings and disclaimers scroll across the screen; I hear the voices of the narrators before the show begins. Viewers are cautioned, content may be disturbing. This before television shows, movies and the evening news. Viewer discretion advised. The warning is to seek shelter. Sheild yourself, block out the unpleasant things, the opinions of others that may not agree with your own. Use discretion, but do not judge. It may be disturbing to you, but allow it, shift your focus inward. Go through this world with blinders on. Heed the warnings. Seek shelter.
 Thinking about this I am reminded of a Bob Dylam song, shelter from the storm. In that song Dylan talks about being disillusioned and the quest for safety and contentment. Turns out things aren't as he sees them at first, but he is lured in. Some say it was written in response to his divorce and others think it reflects the political unrest at the time. I believe it contains a bit of both. The refrain being, "come in she said, I'll give you shelter from the storm." The message I'm seeing in those warnings and disclaimers is the same, take shelter from the storm. We are being urged to do that for our own mental well-being. But in doing so, we are losing our ability to cope with adversity. It's a method to create dependency. 
 It's what I'm hearing, take shelter from the storm. If anything is going to disturb you, make you uncomfortable just ignore it as much as possible. Turn the channel, walk away, grab your fidget spinner and retreat into your safe space. Seek help! Perhaps it is counseling, therapy, medications or emotional support animals. Or better yet just adopt whatever idea, whatever ideology is offered by the authorities and gain that piece of mind. "Come in, she said I'll give you shelter from the storm." Surrender! The only path to true freedom is to surrender that freedom. 
 Just like Dylan wrote in that song in the end you will find yourself looking for the beginning. It will be a longing to go back. It will be too late; however, the deed is done and there is no taking it back. It's written right there, in the final verse. 
Well, I'm livin' in a foreign country, but I'm bound to cross the line
Beauty walks a razor's edge, someday I'll make it mine
If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born
"Come in," she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Back to when our country was born. We weren't seeking shelter in 1776, we were seeking freedom. We walked into the storm! Today what is the advice? "warning this may be disturbing, discretion is advised." 
The reality is freedom is only what is allowed by the powers that be. Those powers are silencing your voice, advising you to hide, distance yourself from anything that may be disturbing to your sensibilities. They will decide what is allowed, not you.  
                                                                    YouTube Music 

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