Thursday, June 13, 2024


 I 'm seeing more and more advertisements for military medals and awards on my Facebook feed. I suspect it is because I am a veteran, and they all know that information. Well, that's probably a part of it. It's no secret that businesses have been collecting that sort of information for years now. There are even businesses where that is their business. They collect information and sell it. It's just business. It's quite obvious if you are paying attention to what shows up on your page. But these latest ones about all the medals and awards rub me the wrong way. They all come across as "virtue" for sale. They are offering medals and awards that are not authorized or endorsed by the United States military branches in any way. They are just making them up! 
 First and foremost is the idea that you would have to buy them. All medals and awards awarded to you will be provided to you by the branch of service that awarded them. They are free! Always have been free and remain that way. If you have lost or misplaced your military medals just go to the VA website and fill out a form. Replacements will be mailed to you. If you earned it, you will receive it. It's that's straightforward. 
 There are some vendors advertising they will mount and display your ribbons and medals. That isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but I wonder. Do these vendors require proof that you are entitled to whatever ribbons and medals you are requesting be mounted? If they are not, virtue is for sale. I think that those vendors should be required, by law, to request that proof. You can't just buy a Policeman's Shield that is the genuine thing without having proof that you are entitled to that badge. Yes, you can buy replicas. That is also stolen valor or virtue if you attempt to use that replica in place of the real thing. If you are paying someone to mount ribbons and medals in a shadow box, ones that you earned, the intent is to display them, to have others believe you earned those. The real deal. If you are doing that to deceive, you are despicable. 
 Now not all of those vendors advertise their products as the genuine article. They don't say anywhere that any of that has been authorized by the DOD. They are selling imagined awards. Like all salespeople that can be misleading. They aren't exactly lying to you, but they aren't pointing out the truth either. The objective is to prey upon your emotions. Appealing to either sentiment or pride that is the method to stimulate sales. It is especially effective at this time in America as we are all so busy signaling our virtues. We do so with Flags, banners, signs and symbols! Displaying our virtue for all to see! It isn't important to actually practice those virtues, just support them. Virtue is for sale at every turn. 
 Virtue is now tied to entitlement. That's the underlying psychology in all of this. No longer is virtue viewed as something you practice even when no one is looking. The objective today is to ensure that everyone sees your virtuous nature even if you don't have one. All that is necessary is to say the right things, display the proper symbols and support the correct causes. 
 The importance lies in everyone knowing that! What you actually do when no one is looking isn't important at all. If you display the proper virtues, you are entitled. You are a hero! Should any of your past missteps, choices or actions be exposed, it is shown that you perhaps were not as virtuous as you portray, there is a way out. You're a survivor! Surviving is a virtue, perhaps the greatest virtue of all. No matter what I did in the past, I have survived! I should be applauded and receive accolades for that accomplishment. Maybe even buy yourself a medal. They have some real nice ones, and you can get them on a payment plan as well. You deserve it.   

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