Tuesday, June 11, 2024

from the past

  I posted the news of my becoming a great grandparent. I had known for a short time but was sworn to secrecy. That's a part of this digital new world order. I received instructions to not post anything on social media concerning that. I'm certain the "gender" reveal will be next. That's another new tradition being practiced these days. I'm quite certain it will be revealed to be a boy! I'm thinking Ben is a good strong name. I am brother Ben, Uncle Ben, Grand Uncle Ben, Grandfather Ben, and soon to be Great Grandfather Ben. It does seem only right my great grandson should share that name. Now should a little girl be the case that would require more thought. Well, like we say, as long as the baby is healthy. 
 Growing up I was fortunate to have known my great grandfather. I wasn't really that aware of that fact at the time though. You know when you are a kid you don't think much about that sort of stuff. He was just this old guy that my father called Gramp. Never really occurred to me that was because he was my father's grandfather. Years went by and I took an interest in the family tree. That is when it became clear to me. That is also when I began to regret never having asked Gramp about a lot of things. It sure would clear up a lot of questions I have today. There are answers I'm certain I'll never get. 
 I thought about that after getting the news from my grandson that they were expecting. I thought my great grandchildren will only have to read my blogs to know just about everything. I thought also, if I live long enough for them to get old enough to take an interest, I can simply tell them. My thought was, I'll be able to tell my great grandchildren that I knew my great grandfather. That is five generations of separation! I knew their 5th great grandfather! Holy cow! I'll be able to tell them of seeing color television for the first time, the first cell phones and rockets to the moon. The invention of the internet. Then I can tell them I heard firsthand from their 5th great grandfather about the invention of radio, automobiles and indoor plumbing! He cooked on a coal stove! 
 If all goes according to schedule, I will be 71 years old when the baby arrives. That's kind of young for a great grandfather don't you think? Great grandfathers are supposed to be old! I know I believed mine was ancient! He had things in his house from the civil war! His wife's father had fought in that war. He was born in 1878. That was just two years after Custers last stand. My great grandson will have relics from WW2 that his 2nd great grandfather fought in. His great grandfather was involved with Vietnam and the cold war era. All of that will just be history to him. I'm feeling an obligation to inform him about all of that. Those that fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it! I'll be teaching him, so he doesn't make the same mistakes as I have. 
 Man, I don't know this being a great grandfather is pretty stressful. I'm thinking I had better increase my exercise schedule and remember to buy Prevergen! I don't want to forget anything. I do have a lot to tell him. I want to make sure I do so he gets the story right. You know how other people can change the story, like a game of post office. That isn't happening! This great grandchild will get the straight scoop. This child will understand that yes, I was a "grand" father, but I am a "great" grandfather! I've always thought mine was. It's a lesson from the past. 

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