Wednesday, January 18, 2023

we all know

 I wonder how things have gotten so turned around. I see and hear all this talk about being inclusive, about being empathetic, and showing compassion to others. I'm told not to judge, that sharing one's judgement is a bad thing. The flags are waving, the ribbons festooning our costumes as we display just how aware we are of everyone's feelings. We are wide awake! We are the woke! But the real message, the real lesson is to be apathetic. Among the many synonyms for that word is dispassionate. That is what is being taught. For isn't it true that the passionate person displays their feelings, shares them with others and indeed, attempts to influence others to believe or behave in a certain fashion. Simply accepting whatever is presented without question isn't empathy, that is apathy. 
 Freedom of speech relies upon empathy. To silence others is to be apathetic. That's the goal in that action. The goal is to create an environment where no one speaks out. The only speech allowed is one of agreement. It's best to remain disinterested, unconcerned, unmoved, uninvolved and emotionless. That is the way to "fit in" in society today. It's a method of control. When a person has to fear what they say because of feelings they are being controlled. In recent times that became evident on social media. Say anything about vaccine efficacy or alternative treatments and you were blocked. Either your comments were taken down or a disclaimer attached to it. That's control. 
 This whole narrative of "hate speech" is a blanket of control. You can't say that! "Abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds:" That is what the definition is. It expresses prejudice. What is prejudice? It's an opinion. That's what prejudice really is, an opinion. You are not supposed to have certain opinions based on what? The answer has to be whatever society you are living in. There are different opinions in different societies. The reality is we all have differing opinions on an array of topics. What is being proposed today? Anything I disagree with is based in prejudice. If I am prejudiced, I am also filled with hate. There is no other way.
 Today we have legislators, those in position of authority, and health care workers supporting this notion of gender neutrality, gender dysphoria, gender identity as a perfectly normal thing. It isn't, it is a mental issue. I'm watching the news as they report on Drag Queen story hour as a positive thing for children. This is going to teach them acceptance. No, it is going to condition them to simply accept whatever, to be apathetic in regard to all that. And that is the plan. 
 The best form of control is when they aren't even aware of the control. The easiest way to achieve that is by appeasement. Just let people do as they please without question. Provide "services" for them when they experience any sort of trauma. Do not attempt to provide a different opinion, that is simply being prejudiced. You can't judge what they are doing unless you too are doing that. You have to not only allow those actions, but you also have to empower those engaging in those actions. If nothing more wave their flags and wear a ribbon! But do not speak out against any of that. Remain silent, remain as apathetic as possible. 
 That's what being woke is really all about. It is about getting and doing whatever you like without question or accountability. Placing the blame elsewhere for any failures you have, and insisting those others are lacking empathy. It isn't your fault. It is those that are prejudiced against you! But if we can all just accept each other as we are, just agree with everything and do not propose anything different, we will have the perfect society. A society where everyone is apathetic. Of course, that includes people being shot in the streets as an everyday occurrence, crime, vice and no one being held accountable for any of that, but we will all get along. It's okay as long as we all know about it, just don't talk about it! Or write about that either.          

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