Friday, January 6, 2023

such is the psyche

 I'm going to broach a subject that is a bit touchy to say the least. I'm well aware of this and am doing so with some trepidation. Call it societal pressure, political correctness, being woke, or whatever else comes to mind but I'm aware. I'm wondering why every suicide these days is associated with ptsd if that person served in the armed forces or held a job with any amount of stress involved, and let's face it, every job has stress involved unless you are working alone. Even then I find I get on my own nerves. But I do think about that. My thinking it is another way for us to explain why a person would decide that life is no longer worth living. There must be something wrong with them. No one thinks that suicide is an acceptable alternative.   
 Interestingly enough this is happening at the same time many support abortion as a viable choice. That isn't suicide but is premeditated murder. I understand some form of justification is required to satisfy our own psyche. By labeling a suicide as the result of ptsd it releases the person of responsibility for that decision. I don't want to have a child is reason to abort a child. That's justification enough? No ptsd or mental illness there, just a choice. A preemptive strike against ptsd. And this idea that assisting in a suicide is actually a compassionate thing? Indeed, asking a physician who takes an oath to do no harm to facilitate a suicide is an ethical choice? Are we saying that suicide is fine as long as we agree with the person making that choice? If we don't agree it's a disease or mental illness. Euthanasia is a viable option, in fact, a mature decision? Well, only if we agree.  
 I'm just trying to reconcile that thinking with other actions that are completely acceptable in society today that once were "illness" and listed as such. The DSM, currently in its' fifth edition, is a compilation of those illnesses. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the title. 2017 saw the removal of gender dysphoria as a mental illness. Today if you are a guy that thinks you are a girl, or a girl that thinks you are a guy, or even if you think you are neither, that's okay, no problem there. There are those holding very high position in government doing just that today. They are even dressing up in costumes! Yes, it is a costume. What other purpose does a man wearing a dress and high heels serve? Yeah, it's like Batman knocking on your door at Halloween. And the reasoning behind that decision? Because that's how they "feel", and we should all accept their "feelings" as our reality. In fact, if anyone questions that they are causing harm! It could trigger ptsd.
 What is PTSD? The dictionary says it is "A mental health condition that develops following a traumatic event characterized by intrusive thoughts about the incident, recurrent distress/anxiety, flashbacks and avoidance of similar situations." That pretty much describes just about anything you want it to include. It's what we used to call, life. Stuff happens to us that we don't like. We all suffer trauma to varying degrees. People don't always agree with our choices or decisions. There are occasions when we must comply, when we don't get on way. Yes, it can be traumatic. Fortunately, a trigger was removed from that pancake syrup bottle.  
 I'm just wondering why so many can accept other "choices" as normal while the taking of your life, without the consent and agreement of others, is not. You must be suffering from a mental health issue. You have to be, there is no other possible explanation. 
 What is the reasoning behind most of those other choices being made today? I'm not hurting anyone else. I certainly hear that reason often enough. I've even used that a few times myself as an explanation for simply doing what I wanted to do. Still, I was admonished for hurting myself by not sticking to the program, doing what was expected of me, and placing myself in danger. I was told on a few occasions I must be nuts! But I wasn't hurting anyone. 

No man is an island,

Entire of itself;

Every man is a piece of the continent, 

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less,

As well as if a promontory were:

As well as if a manor of thy friend's

Or of thine own were.

Any man's death diminishes me,

Because I am involved in mankind.

And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

It tolls for thee. (John Donne)

 We are all angry for the loss. We are angry for what was taken from us. It wasn't our choice. We call that decision on the part of another a disease, a mental illness. It can't be the fault of the person. We seek justification for a betrayal. Is that the feeling we experience when we lose someone in that manner? That is a question I cannot answer directly, as I have no direct experience with that emotion. I have fortunately been spared from such grief. My thinking is it has little to do with reason, it has to do with survival. It has to do with acceptance. We require justification before we can acquire acceptance. If there is blame, it must lie elsewhere. 

 Such is the psyche of man. Man has always sought the reason, for everything. That's why we pray to God(s) to alter our circumstances. We want it our way. All that is needed is acceptance. If our God won't accept our choices perhaps, we can form a society that will. In order to gain that acceptance, we must first show justification. That is a lot easier to accomplish when you exclude reality and just go on "feelings." Reality and reason are often at odds. There are times when there just are no reasons other than, feelings. Because I felt like it. Does that make it right? Only if others agree. If they don't agree, you're wrong. It all depends on the reason, doesn't it? Their reasoning, not yours.  

1 comment:

  1. BEN this was.a great blog you spoke of so many things I think of why!! Any excuse to abort a baby,mental health is used for everything. When Joe passed it hurt but I know God took him out of pain and he didn’t have to suffer he eventually went peaceful. Yes I hurt and miss him but would not do harm to my self because if the grief I feel. God left me. Children ,grandchildren,great grandchildren and even 2 great grand. Children to cherish and enjoy until. It is my time to be with Joe again. It won’t be better just different now. God Bless
