Monday, January 23, 2023

All we can do

 I woke up this morning to a shock. My daughter in law Jennifer passed away last evening. She was just forty-eight. Not without her health issues but certainly this was not expected. I find myself at a loss for words. There is little one can say or do at times like this. I spoke with my son to offer whatever comfort I can but feel wholly inadequate. All I can do is offer my support and an ear. I have no collective thoughts, stories or sentiments to express at this time. News like that leaves the mind with so many questions. It takes time to sort through them all. 
 I know that all we can do is continue. There is nothing more to do at this moment. Arrangements will be made, and we will comply with whatever my sons wishes are. My granddaughter Shyann I haven't spoken to yet. My heart is breaking for her. She is an only child and so left only with her father. The only comfort is that there is other family with her in the home. The phrase, life goes on, sounds so hollow now, so foreign. Yet, we all know the truth in that statement no matter how difficult it may seem. The world has changed for my son and there is no way for me to repair that, to change anything at all. 
 I'm writing these words now because life must go on. I'm writing because I don't know what else to do. It's an attempt at normalcy, the expected. To engage in familiar practices is the only thing to do. The familiar brings us comfort. It's some help, if not a cure. It is also the only help we can offer to those effected by such a tragic loss. We have to hold them up! We must continue to offer the same love and support we always have. All we can do is offer tomorrow. For tomorrow will come. That's all we can do. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful piece. I am so sorry for your loss. I just came across this blog and I’m hoping you write a book or allow others on your blog. You are an amazing writer. Wishing peace for your family.
