Friday, January 13, 2023

Truth and transparency

 Things are beginning to unravel just a bit. That's the impression I'm getting. Classified documents are starting to appear everywhere. Finger pointing and blame being placed. I get it. The Republicans now control the house. Promises must be kept, at least the effort has to be shown. Special councils and investigations. Explanations and excuses. And that my friend is the whole problem with transparency and the truth. You have to tell everything! Once the floodgates are opened there is no stopping them. All we can hope for is moderation. It is a very difficult task indeed. In a flood everyone starts grabbing for a lifeline. Loyalties are abandoned and principles ignored, it's every man and woman for themselves. 
 I see all this as another reason for a convention of the states. We the people have to take control of the situation once again. Term limits are a top priority. As we can all see career politicians aren't really working for the people, they are working for their own self-interest. If we are lucky their interest is the same as ours, if it isn't, well, devil take the hindmost is the expression for that scenario. I'm not feeling my interests are at the head of the line if you know what I mean. That's the reason for term limits! It's time the line got moving. It may take a while for that change, but it will happen. Currently that isn't the case. As long as the one in office greases the wheels, they will keep on rolling. In fact, there is a 93% probability that an incumbent will win reelection. I'm not convinced that they are doing a great job 93% of the time. But that grease keeps your wheels spinning and you're not going anywhere.
 Another concern should be the federal debt! 31 trillion dollars in debt. And what are we hearing from Washington? We need to spend more money. We need to fund more nations! We need to pay reparations to anyone that has ever been wronged in history! We the people need to grab a hold of those purse strings. The bleeding must stop! The United States isn't going to be overthrown by a foreign government, it is going to be foreclosed upon! It really isn't going to matter what weapons we have, how big an Army we can field or any of that. When the checkbook is empty, that is the end. There needs to be an amendment made. The national budget must be balanced! We had that just twenty years ago. Yes, the Congress did pass a balanced budget. It was a Republican led Congress that did so. It should be mandatory. If you can't afford to study the mating habits of the Dung beetle, you can't afford it! No borrowing money for that, or to give away to other nations that can't borrow on their own. I am not co-signing a note for the world! 
 And then we have the problem of government overreach. That needs to be curtailed. That should have become obvious during this so-called pandemic. Those choosing not to be vaccinated were certainly discriminated against, treated unfairly and indeed, ostracized! There very jobs depended upon compliance with unproven science. Now the government wants control of your personal finances as well. The IRS wants to hire 87,000 additional agents to attack the people. The narrative is it is to ensure the billionaires are paying their fair share, all 624 of them. Yeah, I supposed to believe that. 87,000 people to check on the taxes of 624 people. If you don't think the feds are after control of your money, you're crazy! It's what socialist do. They are great are spending other people's money. Wake up, you are the people. 
 Transparency and truth? We only see and know what we are allowed to see and know. That's the long and short of it. We have entrusted our elected representatives to actually represent us. That isn't really working out as expected. Despite the very best efforts of those composing our founding documents, despite efforts by those that followed to adhere to those principles outlined in those documents, it isn't enough. It was pointed out that our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people and is totally inadequate to the governance of any other. (John Adams) and then there is this statement:  "Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country." (Franklin D. Roosevelt.) And FDR was a Democrat! He wasn't the Democrat of today, however. When your Democratic friends tell you the party has changed, they are correct. They have, to openly embrace socialism. The hope is you won't see that or know that. FDR had a similar problem but was a great talker, a master of rhetoric. The people loved him despite raising taxes and creating a welfare state. He gave the voters what they needed, not necessarily what they wanted. And that, that is politics. Dependence is the strongest way of controlling a population. Creating that dependence while convincing the people that is what they want is the sleight of hand that FDR mastered.          

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben. What is one of your priorities? Mine is tax equity. It’s unconscionable that I pay 22% tax on my meager income when millionaires and corporations don’t come close. If Congress had the balls to close tax loopholes we could balance the budget in a New York minute.
