Thursday, January 12, 2023

it's simple

 Saw on the news where a group of parents are suing social media. Yes, Meta, Twitter, Tic-Tok, and a few others are included in this case. They are suing because social media is influencing their children in harmful ways. That's the basis of the suit. This is taking place in Washington state of course, Seattle to be exact. I don't know what is in the air out there, but those folks aren't right! I have family that lives in Washington state, but they live in Selah, about 139 miles south of Seattle. So far, they haven't been affected that I'm aware of.
 I was listening to these parents complaining to the newscaster that these social media sites were making their children make bad choices. No mention was made of them allowing their children to use that social media, however. No, in fact they were complaining they had spent thousands of dollars on "devices" for their children to use. Isn't that called enabling? I think that is what they say these days. My parents would have thought, well I gave it to them maybe I should take it away. They certainly wouldn't have thought to sue the maker of that Daisy air rifle if I shot my eye out! 
 The big issue was influence. The children are being influenced by other people on these sites. They are being challenged! Yeah, well seems to me that has been going on with kids forever. The old double dog dare. I was a victim of that myself. Well okay, not a victim, a willing participant because I was immature and wanted to prove my manhood. The dare was to rub a quarter on the back of your hand one hundred times without quitting. I did, I opened a sore that got infected and carry that scar to this day. But I wasn't chicken. Guess my parents should have sued someone for that, but all that happened was I got a spanking for doing something stupid. It wasn't the fault of those that influenced me, it was my fault. I was advised to not hang around with that bunch anyone. Not that it was the only incident like that in my life, but I did learn to avoid that stuff. I simply learned to ignore those taunts and teases. 
 You see that's the big difference between then and now. Back then you were held responsible for your choices. Today the blame is placed elsewhere. It's as simple as that. If I drove my car at high speed and ran into a tree, my fault. Didn't matter if the tires were new, old, worn or whatever. Didn't matter if there was no speed limit sign posted. None of that mattered. What mattered was I made the choice to drive at a high speed and be reckless. If I cut myself with a knife, it was my fault not the manufacturer of the knife. Of course, back then you weren't given a warning that the coffee was hot when you ordered a hot cup! It was taken for granted, hot coffee meant it was hot and could burn you. No need to sue anyone for that.
 I can't see this lawsuit getting very far. What these parents are suing for is censorship. What else would you call that when only "approved" content is allowed. The thing is we are talking about censoring the general population, not a company. What they are proposing is social media companies raise their children. By not allowing social media companies to have content that may negatively affect children, that is what they are saying. It's not their fault! It's the fault of the company. You can't expect children to know what is good or bad! And you can't allow anyone to influence them. Hey, some of them don't even know what gender they are yet, how can you expect them to decide on that stuff? They know what they were "assigned" at birth but that doesn't mean that is what they are. Quit trying to influence them. 
 My advice to these parents. What I would tell them if I were the judge hearing this argument is simple enough. I would take a quote from a famous movie. "Momma always said; stupid is as stupid does." Kids will pretty much do stupid things whether they are influenced or not. It's all a part of growing up and accepting reality.    

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