Sunday, January 15, 2023

being patient

 It's been said that a cluttered desk is the sign of a busy mind. Einstein's desk was notoriously cluttered. Every once in a while a picture of that appears on the internet saying that is how it looked the day he died. Well, I'm no Einstein but I do have a cluttered desk. If that means my mind is busy, I'm tired! Exhausted in fact. My desk is a mess with papers, cords, electronics and miscellaneous items. I keep telling myself I need to organize this. That would be a monumental task at this point. What is lacking is motivation to do so. Hey, it all works, and I know where everything is, sorta. The challenge is I need to add just a bit more for a project I have in mind. This requires a camcorder, a video signal device and all the accompanying wires and cables to hook that up. If we are living in a wireless time, I don't know about it. Oh, I've tried only to discover that this won't work with that and that won't work with this.
 A big part of the problem is I seldom throw away anything. No, I wasn't raised in the depression and have that syndrome, I just keep thinking I might want that one day. I do have things I have had for years that I have never needed until years later. But I'm mostly thinking about the papers and notes I continuously accumulate. My desktop and all its' shelving are jam packed with books, cards, and letters. Might need to reference them at any moment. I do think about just throwing that stuff out, but I just can't seem to do that. Maybe this is the year. 
 Yes, it is an issue of motivation. I know one should be self-motivated. That's what we are told all the time. Independent, self-motivated by a sense of duty and propriety. Thing is I'm somewhat content as long as things are working smoothly. Most of the time the mess doesn't bother me at all. It is only when I wish to add or subtract from the mess that I get upset. That usually isn't enough motivation to make a change. That I put up to determination and perseverance. I'm no quitter. I'll simple power through. That's the excuse I use. The biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves. (Richard Bach) That's very true. It has also been pointed out that man is more ambitious than he is patient. I resemble that remark in many ways. It is a trait I believe is growing ever stronger in humanity. We are living in a time of instant gratification. Things are going just a little too fast. That's why I'm slowing down, I'm not going to act too hastily. I'll just study this clutter issue a bit more before acting. Patience is a virtue after all.            

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