Saturday, December 10, 2022

unchanged history

  I saw on the news that a school named for Dr. Ben Carson has voted to change the name. Yes, Dr. Carson is being canceled. No specific reason was given in this report, but the reason is quite obvious to anyone paying attention. Dr. Carson was interviewed as a part of this report and handled himself with dignity and grace, as he always does. I had forgotten that he was the HUD secretary in the Trump administration. That's the reason he is being erased from history. And make no mistake about that, that is the reason for it. Never mind that this black man from Detroit rose to become the preeminent pediatric neurosurgeon in the nation, he associated with Trump. That's all we need to know. 
 When a school, park, street or whatever is named for someone what is the purpose of that? It is to commemorate them. To commemorate is to cause to remember. That's the sole purpose. Now if you are a medical student, you will most likely hear of Dr. Ben Carson and his accomplishments. By naming a school after him the purpose was to let the students there know his name. It may be the only way they would ever hear of him. That's true with a great number of people that are commemorated in such fashion. Generally speaking, we want to remember those that had a positive impact in the world. That's the commemoration we most often think of, a celebration of whatever that individual accomplished. Authors, artists, athletes, politicians, and heroes from all walks of life. Sometimes they are national heroes and sometimes just the local person. I know of Colonel Richardson high school right here in Caroline County Maryland. Do you know who Colonel Richardson was? Most likely you do not. Your first thought may be a civil war veteran. No, he served in the revolutionary war. Later he was a judge. My point is simply that he is remembered in Caroline County because his name is on the school. In Greensboro, where I live, there is Stonesfifer drive. He was the doctor in Greensboro for over fifty years, commemorated by the naming of that street where his office was located and a monument in the park. 
 So, what did Dr. Carson do to deserve having his name removed, basically an action saying, forget about him. There was no official reason given just the results of a vote held by the school board. This is the Detroit school board. The vote was 6 to 1. You would think the school board would be proud of the accomplishments of Ben Carson. Remember he did run for President as well. Much to do was made about Hillary being the first woman to run for president, Harris being the first whatever ethnicity she claims this week, as vp, Obama being the first black president but Ben Carson is a Republican.
 Detroit is a Democratically controlled city. Interesting to note is that 79% of the population of Detroit are blacks. So, the black Democrats are now canceling black Republicans. What could be the motivation for that? Well call me whatever name you like but it is pretty plain to see. The Democrats are all about "social " programs, free everything and reparations! That is what has secured their votes since 1865 and there are no signs of that changing anytime in the future. The reality is it is all about control. 
 Control the people, control the vote. When you make the people dependent upon you, they will vote for you. It's a simple strategy that has worked well for the Democrats. It began with just holding others as slaves, then sharecroppers, and finally factory workers and common laborer's. Race really had little to do with that ideology. It was simply that the white Europeans had the money to get that ball rolling. There were blacks and others holding slaves, exploiting them for labor and profit. The Democrats fought a war in an attempt to continue that control but lost. So, they created the sharecropper model. That was once their President (Andrew Johnson) the one replacing Lincoln after being killed by a Democrat, rescinded General Order #15 granting forty acres of land to the head of the household of every freed slave. Yes, it was a Democrat that did that. The control continued through denying those people education, opportunity and the right to vote. As that control was lost new avenues had to be developed. The ghetto was built to provide housing, dependence once again disguised as a helping hand. And today it is all about "social justice, equity, and getting what you deserve! 
 Someone like Ben Carson doesn't fit the model. He believes in hard work and bettering yourself through education. He even has the audacity to tell other blacks that they can change their circumstances! That they can do that on their own. Remember when Obama, a black democrat, spread the message, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that Somebody else made that happen" What was the message being sent? You can't do it on your own, you need help! In short, you are dependent. 
 And so, the Detroit school board has decided to erase Ben Carson. Hopefully he will just be forgotten about. We certainly wouldn't want those students to emulate him. Imagine the problem that could cause. Kids, studying hard, working, doing the right thing, and not claiming to be victims of the system. Why before you know it, they will be Republicans! Can't have that, it must be stopped. 
 And finally this what I find the most amazing fact of all. "Dr. Crockett was a Black woman from a poor family who was able to go to college and then to medical school so that she could pay it forward for Detroit residents. There is to this day an annual scholarship provided to a deserving medical school student from Jackson Junior College, the first college attend by Dr. Crockett. Dr. Crockett passed away in 1979. " This school was originally named for her. Now she will make a comeback. I agree that she should never have had her name removed from the school in the first place as her accomplishments were many. She was a Democrat. So now, it's all good. She is good black model for the children to emulate, not like that Ben Carson! He's just too uppity

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