Wednesday, December 7, 2022

cultural deceit

 Crime and culture. It's obvious to me that the two are interrelated. I haven't heard any of the experts talking about that though. The reason for that is also quite obvious to me. If you do point that out in any form whatsoever, even a scholarly paper backed by statistical facts you will be labeled a racist. The usual reason for crime is given as the people are struggling, not through any fault of their own, but by being suppressed. That suppression can come in many ways, race, creed, color, gender, political party, wealth or lack thereof. Still the primary cause, culture, will not be mentioned in any of that, not directly anyway.
 Culture is what defines people or a nation. A national identity is of primary importance. It's my feeling that we are losing that national identity today, distancing ourselves from that. Just what is the American culture? It was those people that created a new nation, a Republic. Certainly not the first group of people to have formed a Republic, that form of governance had existed before, most notably by the Romans. We all know what happened there. A shift in the culture destroyed that Republic. Corruption, greed, excess, an ever-increasing number of those dependent upon that government for the most basic of needs all led to that downfall. Many of those dependents were brought into the empire against their wishes that is true, but it doesn't change the dependence one bit. The problem is the dependence, not the person.
 Today all you hear about is our Democracy. We don't have a Democracy; we have a Republic. A Republic contains some democratic principles, like a cake has different ingredients, it isn't solely flour. A Democracy favors stricter rule by government. That is simply because all that is required is a simple majority to enact legislation. The fifty-one overrule the forty-nine. It is far more difficult to gain a 2/3 majority. All you have to do is listen to the politicians talking today about "control" of the house and senate. Yes, it is about control! 
 How do you gain control? The surest way to accomplish that is through dependence. That is the most effective way. If you can do that while convincing others that you in reality are supporting their culture, supporting them in their struggle, you can get the votes necessary. Of course, it is also necessary to convince the others that their culture is the true cause of all the problems. You can certainly see that plain enough if you are paying attention to what is going on in America today. A culture that is systemically racist thereby fueling others to commit crimes! But not just racist anymore, also homophobic and misogynists. It is the American culture that has caused all this unrest. White Europeans! They are the root cause.
 I disagree with that premise. I believe culture is the breeding ground for all of men's actions, good and bad. At its' essence, it is about dependence.
 The uncomfortable truth is crime and culture are closely related. Is there such a thing as a criminal culture? No, I don't think so. There are criminals endorsing a culture, attempting to justify their criminal activities. Enticing the poor is certainly the easiest way to do that, convincing those folks they have no other option. Convincing them they deserve so much more! The ultimate goal is to gain control, to be the one holding the purse. The truth is there is never enough for everyone, only a few will gain that power. They are not concerned with the methods, only with results. 
 Want to reduce crime? Look to the culture, change that. Culture, in essence, is the soul of the people. It is the conscience of the people. It is what is accepted. No law, no legislation can change cultural norms. Only the people themselves are capable of that change.  

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