Wednesday, December 21, 2022

it ain't over

 Some days seem to rush at you. This is one of them. It began with an early morning phone call. Then I had some business to deal with. I'm on the computer first thing every day giving my morning salutations. It's a habit I developed over the years. I always say Good Morning on my Facebook page in that block that says what's on your mind. If I wrote in there what's on my mind most of the time, I would be in Facebook jail. It would seem that the "rules" have been relaxed somewhat following the mid-term elections. I'm expecting a tightening of those once again once campaigning begins in earnest. Facebook does act as an influencer, no doubt about that. For me it is an amusement. 
 Today are my son's birthdays. Yes, they are twins. One lives in upstate New York, state, not upstate New York City. The other is the mayor right here in Greensboro. I've already spoken to the one in New York, that was some of the business I had to take care of first thing this morning. Not the wishing of happy birthday but dealing with a gift I had shipped to him that arrived damaged. But that's not a big deal. Anyway, as I said some days seem to rush at you. It was after five this morning before I even began composing this post. The news is on with all the usual stuff that annoys me and leaves me shaking my head. This morning Stanford University has produced a list of terms/words that may be harmful. American is on the list. The explanation being it may indicate that America is the best country on the continents. I would explain to Stanford that the "America's" are indeed two continents named for the navigator that charted them. Americo Vespucci. Being an American can indicate your ancestry is from the Americas in much the same way as Native Americans are indigenous peoples. I would remind Stanford that the President of the United States of America has promised 55 billion dollars to Africa. Africa is a continent, not a country. Aren't all the inhabitants of that continent called Africans? Ask an Egyptian, an Ethiopian, a Nigerian, or any one of the other fifty-two nations citizens if they are Africans. And if they are, is that harmful or offensive? Yeah, it's stuff like that I find annoying. Oh, and don't call Freshman freshman, they are first year students! 
 Christmas day is now rushing at me as well. I have the gifts wrapped, the cards have all been mailed, the decorating done, but it isn't over yet! That's the way the holidays work. It's not about expectations, but it is. We all want everything to be just perfect for the day. We all try to remember everything. And it never seems complete until it is over. LOL, I guess that's the way it is supposed to work. It ain't over till it's over. (Yogi Berra) 

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