Sunday, December 11, 2022

No hurry

 When you are young you can't wait for tomorrow. When you are old you wish for yesterday. It's the irony of life. You spend your life trying to get where you came from in the first place. Even when you are unsure of where that was! Surely life is a gift from the divine. It doesn't really happen by accident; you don't get to plan it. It's true you can decide not to propagate through total abstinence. That is the only 100% effective method. Others may end your life that is also true. Life is a fragile thing, tenuous at best. We are all deceived by thinking it is a choice. It's a beautiful deceit however, it allows us to face the day. Without that, the belief that we have a choice, we would surely live a life of desperation. The acceptance of fate and faith are closely linked. 
 There are two ways of looking at the past. You can remember it with sadness for it is gone or be happy because it was. I tend to choose the later. I go back to the past often, it is a comfortable place. I don't live there however, just visiting. All the memories of the good times are there. The bad times have faded away, lost to time and that's fine with me. There is nothing to gain by reliving those. The lessons have been learned. There are those, especially so today, that feel the past owes them something. The past gave you exactly what you took from it, if you were shortchanged you have no one to blame but yourself. You can't change the past.
 It's a funny thing. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow nearly as much as I used to. It's a difficult thing to explain to others unless those others are at the same place in time. Sometimes we call that time and place, getting old. But you can arrive at that place at any age. It's hard to explain to others that you were once young, anxious, and in a hurry to get "there." You need to understand that tomorrow isn't promised to you. Don't be too anxious for that to happen, you might get disappointed. Or you may get that reward you have been seeking since your birth. Death is surely a return. That is what we are taught through our religious training but only learned in our hearts. A beginning or an end? Neither? A circle? Tomorrow is uncertain. What is certain is this, tomorrow will come, until it doesn't. The question I always find myself asking is, will I know that? Not anxious to know the answer to that one, I'll just wait until tomorrow to think some more about that.    

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