Thursday, December 29, 2022

Moral agency

 The ability to understand and share the feelings of others. That's what the dictionary says empathy is. I understand that completely. It can be quite difficult at times to understand the feelings of others. When you don't understand them, you certainly can't share them. But the thing is this; is understanding something the same as accepting something? I say no. Just because I understand your feelings about whatever does not mean I have to approve of those feelings. I certainly don't have to share those feelings! That is where the train seems to be going off the track today. Those two actions are being confused. I can empathize without encouraging, endorsing, engaging in or empowering you in those feelings. 
 "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."  (Haile Selassie) "No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. " (Alice Walker) These quotes express well my thoughts on the matter. I had written some time back that I feel there is little that can be said that hasn't been said before. That doesn't mean we should stop writing or talking, however. 
 I am struck today by the apparent need to signal your virtues to the world today. Isn't that what receiving those "free gifts" for your charitable donations are really all about? You can wear this "exclusive" tee shirt as a symbol of your love and caring for animals, or disabled children, or those that are hungry, suffer from medical conditions, live in war-torn areas or any number of causes. Tote bags/blankets and throws are also popular, to show your support. Isn't that what wearing various ribbons is all about? Ribbons and flags! Look at me, look at me I am a virtuous person and I have the stuff to prove it! My virtue is so strong that I will support anything! I will also say those that voice any opposition lack empathy! They just don't understand the feelings of others. “We value virtue but do not discuss it. The honest bookkeeper, the faithful wife, the earnest scholar get little of our attention compared to the embezzler, the tramp, the cheat.” (John Steinbeck) "When we decide that virtue is the same as desire, we must allow that in others." (A.B. Reichart) That is what I see going on anyway. 
 Virtue is high moral standards. That's what the dictionary says. Moral standards are the rules we hold ourselves to. Morals are the "normal" standards applied to a society. That is the reason that morality is subjective to a society. The United States of America in its' founding concepts was based on the Judeo-Christian ideas of what is moral behavior. It is also the reason the Muslim world is in constant conflict with the Christian world. The concepts of what are moral behaviors are quite different. Of course, over the century's concessions have been made, by both groups. It is what we call politics. Politics is nothing more than the art of getting your way. It is getting what you want despite the objections of others. Sometimes accomplished by force, sometimes by agreement. This may also involve the rewriting of religious texts! Yes, that has taken place many times as well. Often it is just called a new "translation" to bring it up to modern times. Now the Torah is the first five books of the Bible, that's what the Jewish people use. Torah is also used for giving certain laws to Israel. I'm no scholar on any of that but I'm betting it has been rewritten/modified and reinterpreted over the years. The Bible has as many "translations." The King James version is probably the best known but has fallen somewhat out of favor. And today many say if the Bible doesn't specifically prohibit an action that means it is acceptable. It's moral as long as the Bible doesn't specifically say it is not! And then you have the Koran. That book has also surely been reinterpreted. This is what it says, but that isn't what it means.
 Okay, so setting aside all religious texts as a moral conscience what is left? The laws that men make is the only answer. Government as a moral entity? That surely can't be a good thing. Government is run by politicians. And as I mentioned earlier politics is the art of getting what you want, that is to say, to satisfy your desires. It really has little to do with the "welfare" of the people. Their welfare is only a concern when it is an impediment to obtaining what the politician wants. For that reason, government is an ever-changing set of "standards." We call that changing the law. Look at the laws being changed in a society, and you can see the direction that society is headed. What is now allowed, taken as normal and supported by legislation? That is the moral course of a nation. It is accomplished through empathy. That's the mantra today but it is a false testament. I understand you want the candy; I know exactly how you feel about the candy. I too have wanted the candy, but you can't have the candy! I can empathize and still say no. That is called; moral agency.       

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