Saturday, April 16, 2022

God help us

  A few things I heard on the news today.
Marilyn Mosby, city states attorney for Baltimore is under federal indictment. She filed a motion to dismiss and had her day in court. The motion was denied. At the press conference following that procedure she is being interviewed. After listing a litany of reasons that the ruling was unfair to her, she finished with this statement. I'm looking forward to my day in court. I will prevail as I always do! I couldn't help but notice Marilyn, you just lost your motion. You literally did not prevail!
  Another thought provoking insight was provided by the main stream media. It was pointed out that inflation is at a forty year high, it's a new record. Yet, despite that consumers are spending more money than ever! I wonder if it occurred to the experts that it was because everything cost more. Not only that, consumers went farther in debt using their credit cards. Imagine that, inflation, unemployment, and supply chain issues causing people to actually spend more money? Who could have guessed?
 The board of directors at Twitter have swallowed a poison pill! That's right, they would rather devalue the stock of the company than allow Musk to purchase a majority holding or outright purchase the company. I did read briefly about that tactic as I'm not real familiar with big business practices. The way I understand it is you are basically "biting off your own nose to spite your face", to coin an old phrase.
 The state of Maryland has passed a gas tax holiday for thirty days. That will expire tomorrow. The newscasters are urging everyone to fill up quickly before that happens. The reason for that? Because everyone will be rushing to fill up. So the message is, create a rush today, before the rush tomorrow. That tax is thirty six cents on the gallon. Yes it's a big savings on a tank, I get that. It was to be extended but the Democrats in the state legislature refused to extend that citing the budget. We only have a 2.5 Billion dollar surplus! The Democrats feel we need the money for social programs, especially in the shooting gallery that is Baltimore. The newest plan is to simply pay the criminals not to commit crimes. That'll solve all those issues with "underprivileged" communities.
 And I heard about a new test for Covid. It's a breath test. 91% accurate in detecting when you do have covid, 100% effective when you don't! It will only give a false positive about 9% of the time. If you really don't have covid it is accurate 100% of the time. That's because, you don't have covid. LOL Gotta love the spin they put on things like that. If I don't have covid I could use any test I want and it will be 100% accurate every time, I don't have covid. But the results are available in hours. Rush in the moment you feel you might have contracted that virus. How would you know? If you haven't been wearing your mask, staying six feet away from others, been vaxed and boosted and have a cough or sniffles! You might have covid or one of the variants. Now even the variants have variants! Love it.
 Yeah, I did hear that summer is coming, with that, warmer temperatures. You are going to need air conditioning! That damn global warming is going to cause a spike in temperatures and as a result an increase in electricity usage. You need to do your part to save the planet by buying an electric car! In doing so you will reduce the carbon footprint and lower global temperatures. Then you won't need to run that air conditioner creating a drain on the infrastructure! The electric cars can be charged at night, when it's cooler outside, saving you money. 
  I also heard a debate about teaching kindergarten kids about gender identification. The proponents claiming the children need to be taught about different families. Some have two mommies and some have two daddies. The daddies are men, the mommies are women. I so wanted to ask them about that. Doesn't that conflict with what you are trying to say? I mean you are now identifying genders based on gender? What's up with that? Those same people were saying the children should be also be taught that there can be more than two parents, you could have three or four. 
 The news can be amusing, or it can drive your blood pressure up. It does both to me on a regular basis. This morning I'm just chuckling over the nonsense, All I can say is, God help us. Seems as though half the country needs a slap in the face! But we're not supposed to do that anymore. Riot, burn, pillage, take over a few city blocks when you don't feel like justice was served the way you wanted, that's being a activist! Speak against that, and you're a domestic terrorist. God help us.    

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