Tuesday, April 19, 2022

facing the truth

  Remembering the truth is not holding a grudge. There are many people that seem to not fully understand that. A grudge implies ill will with some desire for revenge or retribution. Simply remembering the truth, the origins of a particular situation or action is being prudent. We are supposed to learn from the past to avoid a repeat in the future. Einstein is credited with that famous adage about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results being insanity. I agree with him, he was a pretty smart guy and wise as well. The two of those things aren't always bedfellows. Education and wisdom are different things altogether. 
 I don't recall ever being accused of holding a grudge. That isn't to say there aren't those that just don't agree with me, or my memories. But I'm just remembering the truth, albeit I would agree it is my truth. I'm repeating whatever lessons, whatever wisdom I may have acquired over the years. The value of that is determined solely by me, you are free to accept or reject it. Its value will be compared to your own. Yes, it will be judged. Judged against your personal feelings and judged against popular opinion. I'm quite aware of all that. 
  Another popular adage says, misery loves company. I'd say that was the truth. When others are unhappy, undecided, or lacking in confidence they do seek company. That is the basis of groups, organizations, cults, and gangs. People seeking validation from others for what they believe to be truth. It is a need that has grown exponentially as man became exposed to other cultures. Like children in a candy store the decisions are much harder to make. Over stimulated, the reaction is to freeze. Beyond that, the reaction is just to join in with the popular opinion. At least you are not alone. The justification becomes, everyone was doing it.
 Time does not change truth. Living with the truth should be the goal. Knowing the truth and adapting your response to that truth is called wisdom. That is the purpose of knowledge. What was wrong yesterday, is still wrong today. Finding a way to justify that wrong doesn't make it right. In a Biblical sense the lesson is about the "sins of the father" and the implications of that. Basically, it means that the children should not be punished for the sins of their fathers, or vice-versa. Really, learn from the past. The Bible also tells us to make no recompense to man for evil. It will not change the evil. Evil in this context being wrong.
 When you tell the truth, and that truth upsets others, it's usually because it's like saying, I told you so. That surely is an irritation, isn't it? I know that it is for me. I also know the satisfaction of saying that to others. Call it whatever you wish but it is a satisfaction when you can say, told you so. It's a form of self-validation that others have to agree with, when the truth lies before them. They are upset, distraught, disappointed, or maybe just incredulous. Yet, there it is, I told you so. Yeah, I hate it when that happens. Forced to admit the truth! A bitter pill indeed. Forced to live with that truth is even worse.
 I'd say there are many people today being faced with the truth, and that is why we're seeing the response we are. It is truly a bitter pill to swallow. They are truly surprised, distraught, disappointed and incredulous. The reaction is, but I thought. Thing is, they aren't thinking, they are reacting. Emotions are great motivators, but seldom great guides. People need to calm down and think about what they are doing! It's great to eat all the candy, until you get a stomachache!  


  1. Forgiveness means not holding a grudge. I forgave you for snarky comments, but you continue to block me due to my differing opinions. So..... how do you relate the two?

  2. It seems to me that you DO hold grudges....
