Friday, April 15, 2022

all a'twitter

  Seems as though some folks are all a twitter about Elon Musk wanting to buy twitter. See what I did there? Elon made them a good offer and there is a profit to be made by whoever holds those shares. That's Capitalism baby. It's how the world rolls when it is rolling. But those opposed to the capitalist way are all upset. I'm amused by their cries of "freedom." They are saying that one man shouldn't be able to own that business because he could control what people say. Uh, yeah. that's what being the owner of the company gets to do. It's up to the consumer to "buy" it or not. You know, same as Zuckerberg does with Facebook. I've been in FB jail on a few occasions for violating his "standards." Yeah well, like I always say when that happens, it's his ball and he can go home anytime he wants to. 
 I have a twitter account although I haven't used it since I created that account. Nope, I don't tweet at all. I have no clue what the password for that account would be or when I did that. I don't follow anyone on twitter either. Guess it is just because I'm an "old" guy as was pointed out by other social media users a few times. That happens when I start talking about traditional morality and values, I'm just an old person. Those folks check your profile page, something I rarely think to do. I'm not in the habit of reading your resume before talking with you, even when you are a stranger. I just sorta take your word for who you are and that you mean the words you type. To be honest about that I don't really trust the profile page any more than I trust your post. Either one may be, shall we say, misleading or deceptive. Some people do embellish just a bit. I do that by omission! But, I'm old.
 The whole thing about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter is a non concern of mine. I have no stock in the company. If he buys it and it fails because those on the left choose to boycott it, it's his money. That's what doing business is all about. There are those saying that would give Elon Musk the power to control the freedom of speech, to control what people read, control what people think or say. I say, only if you allow that to happen. 
 Freedom and independence go hand in hand. That includes independent thought! Yes, you really do have to think for yourself. Just wearing ribbons isn't enough. Remember when your Mom would say, if everyone else jumped off the bridge would you do that too? That's how it works in the real world. If everyone on twitter is doing or saying this or that does that mean you will to? If it does, you need to think about that. It's easy to be popular, make lots of friends, as long as you are willing to exclude yourself from that relationship. I can say with certainty, no one is making me say or believe anything that I don't agree with. It's true I am not the most popular person on the planet. I'm aware of those that hold a different opinion. Thing is I can only be who I am, I don't know how to be anyone else. I don't want to be anyone else, well if that person has billions of dollars I would give it a try, heck, I might even try for a couple million. 
 So I heard all the cries about Facebook blocking people, putting us in jail and restricting our freedom of speech. It is an outrage. The fact checkers weren't really checking the facts, they were checking opinions. Misinformation and deception. Zuckerberg has no right to do that! But Elon Musk buying twitter shouldn't be allowed because he says he will allow free speech. That's the big issue. The fear is, people will be able to post whatever they want! We can't have that. Someone has to monitor all of that! I mean, we are required by some unwritten law or code to use twitter. We have to. In doing so we will be influenced, maybe even misled. Why it's like reading a book, and we all know some of them need to be banned! An unrestricted social media platform? We can't have that!
 The bottom line in all of this is simple enough to understand. It is about making a profit. Yes Elon has said he doesn't care about making more money. If I'm the richest man on the face of the earth I can afford to say that. He has about 100 billion more dollars than Jeff Bazos! He isn't attempting to buy Twitter because he wants to lose money even though he can certainly absorb the loss. No, twitter will still be run to make a profit. You realize this guy could just simply start his own twitter if the mood struck him. He may do that and put twitter out of business. I think Elon Musk has his finger on the pulse of America. He can see the writing on the wall and feel the shift in attitude. All good businessmen do that. It's time for a platform free of censorship, except for what the "censor" believes should be censored. Instead of reading the prepared answers, perhaps it's time for people to start asking the questions. A social dialogue. Imagine that. If that scares you, you are the problem.    

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