Sunday, March 13, 2022

your choice

 Circumstance and opportunity. Are the two related? I'd have to say they certainly are. You may have more opportunity based on your circumstances. That being said does that mean you should be provided with something more based on your circumstance? Or conversely should you be penalized for your circumstance? Isn't that what establishing "equity" is really all about? That's the way I see it. Equity is an attempt to change circumstance. Opportunity exists regardless of circumstance if you are willing to reach for it. That is the beauty that is America. It's not a guarantee but opportunity! 
 It's a bit cliche to say, but equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I would say that applies with circumstance as well. You can start out under the best possible circumstance and end up in the gutter. Happens all the time and then many wonder why that happened. The truth is the individual didn't avail themselves of the opportunity as it was presented. The reasons for that are as many as you can imagine. Doesn't make them excuses or change the circumstance. It is an individual choice. And that is the heart of the matter. We don't get to choose circumstance or opportunity. We get to choose how we respond. 
 We are taught how to respond by the environment in which we are raised. That I believe wholeheartedly. What is often referred to as culture. That is what many will say to justify their choices. It's my culture. Yes there are cultural differences between people. The differences may be slight, but they exist, down to the neighborhood level in some instances. We have all heard of the other side of the tracks, that's a cultural difference. 
 Every culture can enjoy equal success. That success is based on the choice they make, the circumstance they find themselves under, and opportunity. But it is an individual choice! That's what needs to be understood. Cultures do not fail, people do. You can not place blame on culture for your choices! Never has that been more evident than in todays world. We are all exposed to every micronism of culture on a daily basis. We can choose from that what path we are willing to take. You can choose to adopt your "culture" and use that to explain your choices, or just make a choice based on your goal. That choice may run counter to your "culture" but that is a choice nonetheless. You can run with the pack or be a lone wolf. 
 You have to seize the opportunity to change your circumstance. I have certainly had many chances, many opportunities to change my circumstances. There have been some that I grasped, and some I just let go. You know the path not taken and all that. Each one was a choice on my part. Sure, I may have received strong encouragement to take a particular path, I may have received motivation to change my circumstance by previous choices I made, but each one was a choice. It really made little difference where I began, it was choice that led me forward. Well, sometimes I took a few steps back but that was a choice as well, unintended perhaps, but a choice. You know, under the circumstances: one I usually made, truth be told.
 Jefferson famously wrote, all men are created equal. What he was saying was, all men are created equal in the eyes of God. But that didn't mean all men shared equal status. Yes, it is an uncomfortable reality, one we don't want to admit, even to this day, but some people enjoy different circumstances and opportunities.
 In Jeffersons' time those people were called aristocrats. People that were educated and held high positions of power in a society. That was usually through hierarchy and inherited titles. Today we elect "aristocrats" but call them politicians. They may or may not be educated! But, they serve the same purpose as they always did. They are supposed to act for the betterment of the society. Neither group always acts in the best interest of the society. Aristocrats were expected to have the highest moral standards and display virtue. Honor was of upmost importance to an aristocrat. Politicians are expected to do the same. Of course one has to ask the question, is there honor among thieves?
 Circumstance and opportunity. Am I responsible for your circumstance? Are you responsible for mine? Does opportunity exist, or is it provided? I believe opportunity always exists if you choose to make it exist. It's easier if I am just given that, no doubt about it. Far easier to walk a cleared path than one that isn't. If you want to take the easy path simply go along with the program. If you don't want to do that, create your own path. If your destination is the same (equal in every respect) don't blame the ones that are already there for your struggle. 
 You do not get to choose your circumstance. That's true when you are born into this world. Your circumstance was decided by your parents choices. You can change your circumstance, by the choices you make. Keep making the same choices and generally speaking you will get the same result. Calling those choices by another name will not change the result nor create opportunity. Blaming others for your choices will also not change the outcome. It really is as simple as, it's your choice. And that is the beauty of America. 
 You get to choose the "aristocrats" or "politicians" whatever name you choose. Choose wisely, circumstances depend upon it. Your choices are, independence or dependence. You choose the circumstances for the next generation. In either scenario there will still be "aristocrats" and "politicians" that won't change. And there will still be those that are "ruled." And those people will always insist that they aren't being treated fairly. The reason? Well that's a "fill in the blank" type question. Really depends upon your circumstance doesn't it? 

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