Saturday, March 26, 2022


  I ran across this quote from Aristotle. "Wit is educated insolence." My first thought was that's wisdom. Then I thought it's also what we call a wise guy these days, or a smart ass. The later makes no sense but it's what we say. I guess that's because cussing lends that sense of toughness to any statement. Even our most prominent of citizens have adopted that, something I often point out. I do feel like the country has lost all sense of decorum these days. Another topic I have written about on several occasion, what I call polite company. Yes, a virtue lacking in my opinion. A decline.
 It has been said of me, you have a quick wit. It has also been said, I'm insolent. As to being educated I wouldn't know about that. How to measure education? It isn't diplomas or certificates, it isn't solely experience, and it is certainly never final. For that reason I'm not sure you are ever educated, that sounds like you are done. I'm not done learning, but have learned some lessons I feel are irrefutable. It is when I state those facts that I am sometimes called insolent. It's the way I state those facts that make me witty, at times. I'd prefer to be considered wise, without the guy part. Thing is, that isn't something you get to decide at all, all of that is decided by others. You will be judged, by those telling you not to judge, according to the way that person perceives things. Mostly positive if you agree with them, negatively if you don't. That's the basic difference between wit and wisdom.
 We have entered a new domain in truth, wit, and wisdom these days. Surely this millennium is going down in history as the silliest. Just look around you and you can see the evidence of that everywhere. We have a nominee for the Supreme Court that says she can't define what a women is. That's how silly we have become, no matter how you view the question. It's silly to ask, silly to answer, and even sillier not to answer. We are passing legislation about hair styles! We are trying to change the climate of the planet by reducing cow flatulence. The assistant secretary of Health and Human services is a man that thinks he is a woman, dresses as a woman and is concerned about pronoun usage. Now if that isn't just silly I don't know what is! But, it is a historic first! That's the official line on all of that nonsense. As long as he/she is the first, that's progress. So the first person over the cliff is leading the way, a first. Okey Dokey then. 
 Einstein said, "reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" and that's something to think about. I think reality is a bit different for each of us. There is no other way to describe these alternate facts I keep hearing. It also explains why you can write something, and then someone else tell you, but that's not what it says. I am concerned, well concerned is the wrong word, it isn't anything I do anything about, but I'm thinking this is the last millennium for mankind. This reality is going to collapse, replaced by an illusion. You can see some of that today if you're paying attention close enough.
 I'm reminded of an old adage I heard somewhere. It's hard to remember the objective is to drain the swamp when you are up to your ass in alligators. Sure are a lot of distractions in todays world. I don't think we will get the swamp drained after all, we will be swallowed up. If we don't blow ourselves up first!    

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