Thursday, November 4, 2021

Trust the science

  Listening to the morning news as they spread fear about global warming. This morning the concern is Greenland ice melting. They reported if all the ice that melted were poured on NYC it would be 14,000 feet deep. If it continues the sea level will rise by twenty five feet globally. They went on to list all the coastal areas today that would disappear. Sounds almost like they are predicting a flood! Well, imagine that. 
  So having been informed that I should just trust the science I did a quick research project. First I wondered how old the earth was. Good old Google says the scientists estimate that age at 4.5 billion years. Okay, that's pretty old. How long has man been on the planet? Google again informs me the scientists estimated homo sapiens first appeared on the African continent about six hundred and twenty thousand years before the birth of Christ! So, if you look at the age of the earth, and the length of time man has been on the earth, we have been here about .013% of that time. That is the total time man could have observed the climate. Official records of the weather are generally accepted to have begun in the early 1800's, at least reliable scientifically recorded records, the ones were we can trust the science. Doing the math on that I arrive at a negative number. some mathematical expression I don't really understand but I think it means -7%. Doesn't appear to me science really has a lot of data to base these estimates of climate change on. Of course, I'm no scientist. 
 I do question whether accurate predictions can be made given at the very best, if homo-sapiens recorded the global weather pattern on cave walls six hundred and twenty thousand years before the birth of Christ, we can make that prediction with only a .013% sampling. Just doesn't seem very scientific to me. Certainly we can make some predictions for the immediate future, say within the next millennium, but even that would be nothing more than a guess given the expanse of time. Science tells us the globe has experienced ice ages and periods of warming in the past. There are stories of a great flood told by virtually every culture on the planet. It isn't an isolated story in the Bible. Some scientists even claim to have discovered evidence of just such an event having taking place. 
 Well whatever the case may be, whether the science is correct or not, it's my feeling man isn't going to do a whole lot to change the course of the future. Whatever or whoever set the universe in motion controls all of that. I do think it is pretty arrogant of a species that has only been here .013% of the time now feeling like they can predict and control infinity. Do we know how long the earth will remain? No, we do not. The best we can do is try to keep ourselves alive, whether on this planet or another. The universe will play itself out, as the universe sees fit. The earth was here long before us, it's my thought it will be here long after we are gone. It is estimated, by scientists, that 99.9% of all species that have been on the earth since the beginning have gone extinct! Now using a scientific approach, armed with that information I can make a prediction. We will go extinct long before the earth does. Of course, it's just a guess, but I'm told, we should trust the science. 

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