Wednesday, November 17, 2021

just thinking

  This will be posting number four thousand. That's right, four thousand. I remember reading a blog written by someone I had gone to school with. I didn't really know that person very well but thought it was pretty amazing that I could read her words. I mean it isn't like she was a famous person or a published author, No, she was a person just like me, the everyday citizen. I made a connection with her through our mutual interest in blogging. Over the years we discovered we had differences in opinion. Eventually, as it happens, we just quit communicating with one another. It isn't just a social media thing though, that happens in real life as well. Ideological differences are the usual cause. I no longer read her blogs or see any of her postings. Ghosting I think they call that. I'm guilty of doing that as well. Of course I always called that ignoring them, something I did back in my school days as well. There were some I just ignored as I didn't fit into their social circle, not into the clique.
  Today we hear about how divisive the world has become. Nothing new to me , it has always been that way. It was just in years past we ignored those folks that annoyed us, or we just didn't get along with. I've written about all of that many times and most likely will continue to do so. I did grow up the "sticks and stones rhymes" and learned to not let that stuff bother me much. In my experience not much has changed in the world. Being on social media for over ten years now I have received validation of that. Circles I didn't fit into fifty years ago, I still don't fit into, like my jeans.
  I began writing about my memories of growing up in a small town. Then I included some thoughts, not thinking about those thoughts as philosophy. But it is that distinction that is an example of circles and cliques. I'm just writing down  things I think about, or have thought about. I call them thoughts. In other circles they would label that philosophy. I make no claim to such a lofty title. I know some make a living teaching philosophy, but I don't know anyone making a living being one. I'm thinking that ended with Socrates or Plato, some of that bunch. The modern day equivalent would have to be Dr. Phil or the authors of self help books. I'm still wondering why they are called self help books, if someone else wrote the book and you follow their advice, aren't they helping you? You didn't "write" that. 
  Over the years I have toyed with the idea of writing a book. I have discovered I really don't have much of a story to tell. I'm not interested in writing fiction, I hear enough of that everyday from our politicians and those that support them. I have some stories, a few anecdotes, and memories but not enough for a book. Maybe a flyer or a short story. The majority of what I write are just my thoughts, opinions and observations. Like I said, what some would call philosophy. I don't think many people are interested in my philosophical meanderings. For the most part people like to read the things they agree with. I'm the same way, I'm thinking that is human nature.
  As with all things my blogging has changed a bit over time. Today I would say it is more of a conversation with myself. I don't receive many comments, but I don't get many arguments either. I don't expect to change anyone's mind about anything. The truth is without having a string of degrees, or having a whole lot of money, others seldom listen to you. Either of those seem to lend credence to whatever is being said. Funny thing is, neither of those items makes someone any smarter. As my father was fond of pointing out, there are a lot of educated damn fools in the world. I've been around long enough to see the wisdom in his words and the truth of them. The truth is there a lot of damn fools in the world, period. A number of then hold positions of power, voted in by other damn fools.
  As usual when I got up I didn't have anything in particular I wanted to write about. I was aware that this would be posting number four thousand. That's a lot of words. As it turns out, I'm writing about what I have been writing about. I don't take this blogging too seriously. I try not to take myself too seriously. In the big scheme of things the things I say and do will have little impact. I'm fully aware of that. Just as I was over eleven years ago, I'm just some guy on the internet. I still think it is amazing that I can post my thoughts, and literally millions of people around the world have access to those thoughts. 
  When I do not receive any comments I remind myself how many books there are in the "bargain" section of Walmart. How many of those books go unread? And the majority of them are fiction. If you can't interest people in stories, getting them interested in your thoughts would certainly be quite the task. Well, unless I suddenly became famous for being a serial killer or something like that. Like inheriting a great deal of wealth I'm certain I would become quite popular. At that point people would claim a relationship with me no matter how tenuous that relationship may be. I'll leave you with this thought, "philosophy seeks to define morality" Well, that's what I think anyway. 

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