Saturday, November 20, 2021


 In these blogs I share my thoughts and feelings on just about everything. I do so more for my own sanity than anything else. I do not expect to sway the feelings or thoughts of anyone else. That wasn't my purpose when I began, and it isn't my purpose today. Sure I hope others read them and enjoy them, maybe even inspire them, but certainly not to change them. I'm no activist. I'm too busy trying to remain active, as an adult. It's what the commercials on television inform me I should be. 
 I do write my thoughts through a filter, although that filter has a rather large mesh. I exercise some restraint simply because there are topics I don't feel comfortable about. There are things best left between you and your God. That is something I believe wholeheartedly. Lately however I feel like that filter has become a bit more constrained. I am left questioning myself on occasion. It's my feeling that I am being worn down. It's my feeling that is what is happening with society in general, being worn down. It is easier to just say nothing, do nothing, and start giving, at least tentatively, support to whatever comes along. It is far easier to be an "activist" when the majority supports your action. And that is doubly true when those proposed actions will benefit you in some way. Permissive is better than restrictive, right? That is certainly the prevalent attitude today.
 One method of accomplishing that is by simply renaming everything. Label the action with a positive note, even when it is known to be a negative thing. We can label carnal desires as love. In that way the action is justified, you can't say love is wrong. Doesn't change what the action really is, just makes it sounds better. Drug addiction places the blame on the drug. The blame is with the individual choosing to use that drug. Yes, sometimes people are prescribed drugs that they become addicted to, but that isn't the crisis we are facing is it? No, the crisis is the illegal use of narcotics for pleasure. Still, it's the fault of the drug, not the person. And then we should celebrate their recovery! We shouldn't blame them, hold them to account in any way, no, we should celebrate their victory. What's the message there? Not your fault.
 I have always struggled with temperance. That was true in my younger days when I was close friends with one Mr. Jack Daniels, Ezra Brooks, and a few others. I have since learned to exercise restraint, rarely indulging myself in that vice. I was also a very close friend to the Marlboro man until I had my fill of that habit. The truth of that was the company became too expensive and so I quit spending my money on that. Now I didn't require any intervention, any counseling, I just quit. It's my belief everyone is capable of that should they decide that is what they want. It doesn't require anyone "special" in any way. Like that advertising slogan, just do it. Except in this case, just don't do it. 
 And now I find myself struggling with temperance once again. This time it is in the words I write. I tell myself it doesn't matter, few read my words anyway, and what difference does it make. I justify my words by calling them the truth. My truth isn't always your truth. Truth is a subjective thing. It's a concept I struggle with constantly. Truth is not an absolute. But still I want to leave that record of my thoughts. I want that record to reflect who I really am. Being honest with yourself is possibly the hardest thing of all. Life does have a way of wearing you down. It is the exercise of temperance that leads us all to capitulate in the end. It has been said silence is consent. That is certainly the truth of the matter. I quit drinking, I quit smoking, but I can't see myself shutting up! No, that's not likely to happen anytime soon. Perhaps I will temper my speech, Facebook is trying to help with that, but I will not be silenced completely. 

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