Friday, November 19, 2021

building back

  For the seventh year in a row the city of Baltimore has recorded over three hundred homicides. The latest was a 69 year old lady stabbed to death while working at her church. The response is the Mayor and his entourage taking a walk through the neighborhood where that happened. The Mayor stating, the police could not have prevented that from happening. Yes basically his stance is, it's going to happen anyway. That was in response to reporters questioning his crime plan. I don't know why they are questioning that plan, it appears to be working, crime is on the rise! 
  I don't live in the city and seldom travel there, not much there of interest to me. Nothing worth risking my life for that much is certain. Every day on the news I hear about the crime and corruption taking place in Baltimore. I'm certain much the same could be said about other major cities across America. There is always much talk of how to fight that crime. The reasons for the spike in crime are often discussed as well. It's a regular litany of excuses. I really have no experience in such matters and can only speculate about such. It's my thinking when you have a population of three hundred and twenty nine million people you have to expect criminal activity. When those people are crowded into a city, either by choice or circumstance, crime will be higher. 
  I do think that promoting a culture of the thug life isn't helping anything. Now before you go off thinking I'm talking about any specific demographic, I'm not. You can see that in all demographics. Today even the cowboys are "cool" and strut around the stage in an aggressive manner. All of that ties in with what I was talking about yesterday. Accountability. The bad boy image, something to be admired. It's in the language we choose and the attitude we have adopted. We have decided to stop bullying but being a bunch of bullies! That's right, think about it. We wear "ribbons" now as a display of what? Support for a cause? No, it's a virtue signaling message for those too timid to just come right out and say something. Why don't they? Because they will most likely meet with a violent reaction. That's because you have to agree with me or I will start by calling you names and then ostracizing you! If I'm Facebook I will block you from posting altogether. You will comply with community standards! 
  The big question is how do we turn this around? How do we enforce our "community" standard? Isn't that the purpose of the law? It was certainly the thinking when the country was established. Religious practices were separated from Government decision making to further clarify boundaries. You are free to practice your religious beliefs, within the constraints of the law. It must be remembered that John Adams explained, our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. Setting aside the religious aspect, how do we define our morality as a nation? Are standards and morality one and the same? I'd say they are, but only on an individual level. On a governmental level, I would have to say no. When government standards begin to run contrary to individual morality, unrest occurs. That happens one piece of legislation at a time. 
  It isn't lost on me, Today the debate rages on to get the "build back better" plan passed through the legislators. Build back better? To know what is it that we are building back, you first you need to understand what has been destroyed. What are we building back? The official party line of this plan is to rescue, recover and rebuild. No where in the policy does it say what is being discarded, what is being destroyed. No the big promise is it will save the middle class. If you are middle class you will pay no more than 7% of your income for child care. The plan will afford access to high quality, affordable child care. Well at least those children that are allowed to be born. So basically the plan here is to, hire parents. It is not to enable parents to stay home and raise their children, but rather to hire surrogates. You know professionally trained, high quality child care specialists. That, combined with broad band access, should take care of everything. But that is just a few items in the "build back better" plan. 
  Climate change is in the build back better plan. Yes, the plan is to change the climate for the better. How are we going to do that? We will spend billions of dollars on technology, equipment and programs that will have zero results. Still a lot of money to be made, no opportunity missed. Yeah, we will rebuild the earths atmosphere. All this plan really is, is a redistribution of wealth. That's it. To build back better requires destroying the old. What is the old? Capitalism is the short answer to that. Build back better seeks to build a socialist state. A state in which the government controls goods and services through programs, oversight, and regulation. This will, of course, require compliance from who? The middle man. The wealthy are already pleased with the system. The poor people keep getting promised more free stuff, so they're good with that. But it is the middle man, the one actually providing the work, that will bear the brunt of this building back. If you take all the money from the rich people they sure won't be building any businesses or hiring any help. If you give the poor people everything for free what's their incentive to produce? It is the middle man that will pay for it all in the end. 

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