Sunday, November 7, 2021


  We become what we have been, and in some cases what came before. That's a thought I had this morning as I got out of bed. Maybe it was that extra hour of sleep that inspired that. I continued to think about that, wondering just what that means. I seldom take things at face value being naturally curious, and some say, a suspicious fellow. I am interested in what motivates people. That is a result of life experiences. I have discovered things are often not as they seem to be, or, as they were told to me. Perhaps being the youngest of four children played a role in that. How many times I heard, when you are old enough. Never heard how old that was though. And now  I figure I am old enough, I've come to realize there is much I'll never know! 
  Now we have all heard the expression that someone is very becoming. Generally that means they are physically attractive. At least that is what I always thought the meaning was. Now I'm thinking it could have a much deeper meaning. Becoming attractive could be becoming a more mature version of yourself. Maturity is a desirable trait is it not? I was certainly told to grow up often enough. But then we are told to not be too serious either, don't get full of yourself. What's that mean? Don't become self centered, conceited, or arrogant? Adopt traits from others, traits that make them attractive. Still, it is the individual that is most admired. It's all very confusing really, if you really think about it. 
  We are all different people over the years, changing as we grow and age. It's what Shakespeare was talking about in his famous play, As you like it. That is what the big speech is all about. Each of us playing our part, many parts in reality. It is the conglomeration of those parts that will determine what we become. We become what we have been. The challenge lies in selecting the parts. Do we even get a choice? Yes, I believe we certainly do. That doesn't mean we won't meet with resistance and obstacles along the way, but we do get a choice. What parts do we retain and which parts are discarded? That is what will determine what you become. But still, you will become whatever it is you have been, there is no escape from that. That's because in the end, you will find yourself alone, with you. That's true even when you are in the crowd, surrounded. 
  The other day I jokingly wrote about becoming my parents. I'm certainly not the first to consider that, that's been around forever. It's true however, I have become somewhat like my father, in particular. I find I have settled upon the same conclusions he drew from his life experiences. That wasn't true when I was a child, a teenager, or a younger man. In fact I often argued and debated with him on every topic imaginable. Today I find myself in agreement, even though he isn't here to share that with. He has been gone for thirty one years now, not a distant memory, but a daily presence. I discovered he has become, what he had been. A man of his time. Perhaps one day I'll become a man of mine? That however is left to future generations to judge. We become, what we have been, or is it what others believe us to be?      

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