Monday, June 28, 2021

remaining hopeful

 Watching the parade go by. There are times that is what I feel like I'm doing. It's not a bad thing, it is just a thing. I just watched my granddaughters' Shyann graduation ceremony. She was my final grandchild. But I'm looking forward to college graduations! There is always another parade. While I'm talking about parades, there will not be one for the fourth of July in Greensboro. I can't say the last time they did. I've lived here at least 25 years and never saw one. The lack of that has nothing to do with Covid! Well, anyway, there will be a parade, probably for Christmas. But in feeling like I'm watching the parade go by I'm thinking it is because we are supposed to be so goal oriented. Isn't that what we are told? Well, at least I know my generation was, today I'm not so certain that is as valid a statement. We are slowly becoming a society of  whatever you do is alright and will be celebrated. It's a bit of a different attitude. The line between right and wrong is not only being blurred, it is being erased. If history is any guide that indicates a decline, not progress. With no one leading the parade, it just wanders aimlessly. I've been watching, and that is what I'm seeing. 
 Now that being said I have no desire to lead the parade. I discovered some time back that I'm not a leader. I don't inspire others to action. I think they call that being the alpha male. If that's so I'd say I'm no more than a B+ or so. I will join in whenever I support the cause and just as quickly reject a cause I feel is nonsense. There's a lot of nonsense going on these days. The least of these is not this notion of just doing whatever you please and expecting everyone else to accept that without question. No longer are we supposed to suggest that perhaps that choice is wrong! I can tell you for a fact some of my choices were more than strongly suggested in being wrong, I was flat out told that! It wasn't a suggestion. 
 But as I watched the graduation ceremony and watched those young people walk across that stage I remain hopeful. I'm certain there were leaders there, although I only knew the one graduate. They were a class that experienced some hardship and disappointments. I can only hope they learned from that not to be a follower but rather to discern right and wrong. The push to just, do as you are told, was strong over the last year and a half or so. The pressure of government to comply was very strong while allowing, indeed is some instances encouraging, civil disobedience. That mixed message was dependent upon political affiliation and political power. Certain actions were correct and incorrect depending upon that. It could lead to some confusion. Well the truth is it already has, there are many that are confused these days. Clarity in leadership is sorely lacking in my opinion. You can't lead by just saying, do whatever you like. It may make you a popular boss but not much a leader. The bottom line will be, production is down. I don't think there is much doubt that American production is down! I can see where that began clearly enough I don't need to say it here. 
 America will celebrate her 243th birthday in just a few days. It's a time to reflect upon the founding principles. The documents that recorded the thoughts of those involved form the basis for our government. What is the purpose of Government? If you read those documents with an eye toward understanding that it becomes clear. Government isn't really about the individual, government is about the whole. Yes, individual rights are protected but those individual rights do not form the structure of government. The greater good isn't always what you feel is good! That's a lesson I feel isn't being stressed often enough! Tolerance isn't acceptance, is another lesson sorely lacking in today's curriculum. 
 Well I've wandered and rambled enough for this morning. I guess just watching the graduation ceremonies over the last few weeks has caused me to reflect a little more than usual. I see a new beginning with those young people. I remember walking across that stage myself, fifty years ago. I knew, even then, that I wasn't about to change a thing. My hope was to just continue. I didn't have any set goals, no great ambitions. I tried to make the best decision for every situation. I wasn't always successful. I can say with certainty I never celebrated a failure! I took those failures as one takes medicine, because I had to. I've listened to the speeches and I've lived the realities. My hope for these graduates is they get more doses of reality than they do "ideals." Life isn't ideal but it is all we have. The "ideal" society isn't about what you want, but what is best for the whole. Being popular doesn't guarantee success. Read the very first line of the Constitution and what does it say? "We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union" et al, the statement is clear: the Constitution is for everyone, the common good, the well being of a nation, not the rights of an individual. For that reason the phrase, promote the general welfare, was included. 
 That document, along with all the others is being handed to this generation of graduates. Placed in their care and trust. That is what I witnessed at these ceremonies. I've had my turn at stewardship. I did my best with the choices I made. I have no doubt these young people will do the same. Thing is, the thing that makes me nervous, is a different mindset. It's a different time, a different world than it was fifty years ago. I didn't lead this parade, mostly I just went along. I'm not too happy in the direction we are heading. Still, there are new leaders in the making. And in that, I'll remain hopeful.   

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