Saturday, February 1, 2020

right or wrong

  I am often told that things aren't black and white. I understand that, I also understand that in that grey area we can't know where we are going either. Still, I think in binary terms, like a computer program. I believe we live in a binary universe. It is everywhere in nature and science. The only time it becomes confused is when men intervene. That's because man is always searching for an alternative answer when we don't like the answer we are presented with. We call it being inventive or whatever. but it is just another choice, a compromise. Justified by such statements as It's not hurting anyone else, we make a choice that satisfies our wants, not necessarily our need.
 We live our lives as a series of compromises. The only man I know of that didn't compromise was Jesus Christ himself. He stayed with the truth, always. The rest of us are just mortal men subject to wants, needs and whimsy. We know what we should do, but we don't want to do that. That's when we figure out another way. We make a compromise. Sometimes we just decide telling others what to do and how to do it is the best choice. Of course that's what creates conflict. Some are now advocating for the truth, while others are presenting an alternative. It's not really wrong, it's not that bad, and it allows more freedom of choice. Thing is, truth is never followed by the word, but. Truth stands alone. Deceit, in whatever form, always requires an accomplice. The accomplice is ourselves. I'm not immune from that, I'm including myself.
 So when I say we live in a binary world I'm saying I believe in right and wrong. I also believe there can be no in-between with that, no grey area. The only grey area is a creation of our own thoughts and minds. The grey area is filled with compromise, a path we take for the sake of convenience. We don't want to pick door one or door two, we'll gamble on three. Perhaps I can get a bit more, something better. And that is what man has always been searching for, something better. If you are a Christian you believe that man was placed in the garden of Eden. All was provided for. The only prohibition was to not eat of the tree of the fruit of knowledge in the center of the garden. We were presented with a binary choice. There was no third option, no compromise in that. Just as there was dark and then light, a binary state. There was no degree of right and wrong; only right and wrong.
 How are we to know? That's the big question is all of this isn't it? Our religious texts attempt to delineate that. Academics attempt to justify our choices. We make claims that a particular action is right for us, even though it is wrong for you. Rationalization is the tool we employ for that. We are searching in the grey area, searching for what? The light? That's what we have called it, enlightenmet. Knowledge. Right and wrong. Ying and Yan in ancient Chinese philosophy. Each is necessary for the other to exist. When you mix black and white what do you get? Grey. For me I like to deal in absolutes. Either it is right or wrong. The only decision to be made is, it right or wrong, for me.
 That's the grey area for all of us. We are told to be a good person you should always be concerned for what is best for others. Indeed virtue hinges upon that very action. Set aside your beliefs, your feelings, and your judgement. Do what is best for others. Who tells us that? The others. Our choices should benefit the others before they benefit ourselves. That's the message. That's virtuous! To state your belief as truth is just pompous or arrogant. That's the way it is perceived anyway, by everyone. Well unless you can replace that perception with admiration. And that isn't an easy thing to do. That's simply because we all want something in return for that admiration. When we don't get that, we abandon that admiration, in short, you fall from favor. With celebrities it is obvious, evident to even the most casual of observer. But it holds true for everyone. Therein lies the compromise. Are you willing to compromise you belief, your truth, for popularity? Is that what is best for others? Is that what is best for you? You have to choose. There are only two choices, right and wrong. And as my father was fond of saying, " either *hit or get off the pot. "
" Most of us aren't defeated in one decisive battle. We are defeated one tiny insignificant surrender at a time that chips away at who we should really be. "  ( Jocko Willink )
 Is victory achieved through compromise? I say no, it isn't. Only compromise is achieved through compromise. Victory is achieved through resistance. It doesn't have to be a violent thing it only requires making a choice. Right or wrong? 

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