Monday, February 10, 2020

A bit amused

 Some mornings I wake up with absolutely nothing on my mind. I take that as a good sign, yesterday must have been alright. I was quite amused with some defending the right of Drag Queens to read at childrens' story time. Yes it was defended with all the vim and vigor of saving a puppies life! Why, if you don't like it, don't send your child to the library! Yes, my child shouldn't get to enjoy Storytime because a guy that wants to dress as a girl wants to read stories to children. That's perfectly normal, reasonable, and will teach the children a valuable life lesson. Well what was I thinking?
 It's funny because all I was saying was I didn't think the library, school, or whatever was the proper venue for that. I did say they had clubs for such and that's where it belongs. I didn't say I hated anyone for doing that, although I indicated it wasn't a normal thing. Well, before the day was over I was a racist, homophobic, and any number of undesirable things! All I can do is laugh about all of that. I understand the reason for all of that. It happens often when you are not afraid to say out loud what other people are secretly thinking. Those folks feel some obligation to defend all of that like a child saying, I don't know. You know, when you come into the room, they are the only other person there, and ask, who spilled this glass of milk, I don't know. Yeah, it's the same reflex. I'm not thinking like that! Then it's,that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
 Oh well, whatever. I write my thoughts and stories almost every morning. I receive a few comments every now and again, always welcome. I have noticed more people are inclined to argue with what I write than agree, at least as far as leaving comments that is. That's normal enough, we do tend to respond to what makes us uncomfortable. There are a few that I must be the proverbial thorn in their side. They must enjoy it though as they always come back for more. Never has one come back to say, you changed my mind, so what are they coming back for? If I didn't like the band the first time I heard them,I don't buy tickets for the next show.
 So yesterday I was amused and I have to thank others for that. I feel pretty good. My thoughts must be important to them. That's quite a compliment really. I mean it's not like these folks just bumped into me by accident, no, they came looking. Any readers are better than no readers, to paraphrase an old saying. The truth is I write these thoughts more for myself than anyone else. I've explained all that before. I make no claims to being an author, a philosopher or anything else. I am who and what I am. I am also whatever you perceive me to be. I can't be too concerned with that though. At the end of the day I only have to live with one person, myself. I can't, and shouldn't even try, to impose my image upon you. You have to see it for yourself. As for Drag Queens at the library. They are there to draw attention to themselves. That's my judgement. Yes, I make judgements. In this case, no Drag Queens at children's' Storytime. Want your children to see that, take them to the club. Of course you would be subject to prosecution for that. You know why? Think about it. 

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