Saturday, February 8, 2020

what answer

 I read a small article where a drag queen is coming to the library for childrens' story time. I've heard of this before just not close to where I used to call home. My question regarding this is , why? Children would be generally happy with anyone reading them a story. Now having someone dressed up as a character of some kind is completely understandable. As a kid who wouldn't want a pirate, a princess, or some fairly tale character. But this, what is this? What are they telling the children. Here is a person, a guy, that likes to dress up as a woman. And not just an average everyday looking woman, no, a woman that is presenting what? Seriously what do you tell them? I guess you could say you don't tell them anything at all, they're kids and probably aren't paying attention anyway. So, if that is the thinking then just who is this to benefit? I'd say the man that wants to dress up and play woman. Or is there another motive behind this. An attempt at normalization? Yes we can make almost anything acceptable in a society if we start with the kids. Hey, worked for Hitler didn't it? Yes it certainly did. With his campaign of propaganda he had kids turning in their own parents, killing the Jews and believing that was the right thing to do! Drag Queens are a perfectly normal thing. It can be a career choice!
 This is what a website has to say about this. Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. 
 Yes, that is what it says and I copied and pasted that directly. Gender fluidity and queer? Is that what we are teaching the children? Well I take issue with all of that. To begin with gender fluidity? No, your gender is fixed, assigned at birth, That's the first thing children should be taught, the truth. They will experience different feelings along the way but those feelings don't change fact. Born a boy you will die a boy regardless of feelings, surgeries, or the clothes you wear. 
 Queer role models? Really, we need queer role models. Just what are they modeling? Now I understand all this talk about being inclusive. Truth is I really don't care what these people want to wear but I don't believe we need role models! We don't need drag queens to inspire children to read! Drag queens are there to do what? Inspire those children to become drag queens? Provide them role models for that? No, there are nightclubs for such things and that is where that should stay. 
 Well as far as I'm concerned this is just further evidence of the decline of the Republic. When a nation abandons morals, ethics and common sense can it be otherwise. Look at the rise in violence. That's an indicator of the health of a society. The more violence, the more unrest, the closer to the end it gets. “The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America What functions are we seeing today? Presenting drag queens as role models? This is what we want our children to emulate, to become? Are drag queens really positive role models? A model for what? Success in the world? Aren't that what role models are for, to demonstrate positive behaviors to make you successful in life? Drag queen as a path to success? 

 Now the truth is I don't hate drag queens. I think they are different, and perhaps suffer from a mental illness, but harmless enough. I understand there are children today that will also choose to become drag queens. What I don't believe is they need a role model to encourage that choice. Yes, yes, it is is all very amusing. I can present myself as open minded, progressive, empathic even by endorsing this program of inclusiveness and discovery. Yeah, that's the easy way, the popular way, I'll be praised for it. Is it the best choice for our children? I don't think so. No, leave that stuff where it belongs. It doesn't belong in the library, the classroom, or anywhere beside the club! I'm just left with the question. What do you tell these children? Hello children I'm a guy that dresses as a woman and I'm here to read you a story. Hands go up and the question is asked, why? Why are you dressed like a girl? What's the answer you give to a three or four year old child. Because I'm gender fluid. Yeah, they'll understand that alright. 

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