Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Birthday

 I was out looking for a birthday card for one of my oldest friends. I mean he is old, lol, at least older than I am, by five months. There are certainly a large variety of cards to choose from. From the serious to the silly and everything in between. They have ones with lights and music. Really the variety is staggering. Well, so is the price when you think about it. When you care enough to give the very best, that'll cost! I was always told it is the thought that counts and I say that to myself while glancing through the cards. For some I think the economy card will do just fine. Personally I don't look to see what brand of card it is, it is the thought that matters to me. I tell myself that I'm sure others feel the same way but there is that nagging doubt. Damn that advertising!
 Anyway, I'm looking for something humorous. This card is for another guy and you can't get all sentimental, I'm no millennial! No, I'm old fashioned that way. So I'm looking at all the ones with fart jokes, strange smells, something to do with guns, glasses or dysfunctional body parts. You know, all the stuff guys like. Then I see this card that says something about an old friend. Hey, maybe this is a good one. Pulling it from the rack the cover is black with white lettering, nothing too feminine looking. It says something to the effect that there are twenty year old kids that are now being called adults. Opening the card it says Happy Birthday to someone that was born in the 1900's. Well, I was speechless for just a moment. I resemble that remark! I too was born in the 1900's. It is a fact I really hadn't considered before. But there it was, in a birthday card. Wow, that's a low blow isn't it? Well they say fact is stranger than fiction and I'd have to agree. Yes I realize I saw the turn of the century and that was an amusement. Somehow I didn't realize that was twenty years ago. But now, to realize I was born in the 1900's? Crap, my great grandfather was born in the 1800's, so was my grandmother.
 That's the card I purchased and put in the mail. Cost 55 cents to mail it. Didn't cost anywhere near that in the 1900's. In 1965, when I was twelve, a stamp cost four cents. 1965 seems like a long time ago now, didn't a few minutes ago.  I'm not one that writes letters often but will do so occasionally. Last one I wrote cost almost a dollar to mail. At the post office they have this card with a slot in it. If the card, letter, or whatever doesn't fit through the slot, that costs more. Now it's a package! Won't go through the automatic sorting machine, you know the one that was going to save money because the postal worker wouldn't have to do that. One machine can replace a worker. Yeah, except they had to hire five other workers because the machine requires an attendant, an operator, a supervisor to supervise all of that and routine maintenance and repairs. We need to raise the price of postage. Well when you care enough to send the very best postage certainly shouldn't be a factor.
 Yeah it's pretty funny alright, born in the 1900's. It's true however and one day that will be said with the same feeling as we say the 1800's today. The 1900's will seem like a long time ago, why it's the past! History even. Imagine that. I was born in 1953 and even then I thought the 1800's was ancient times. They had cowboys and Indians back then, covered wagons and coal stoves! They didn't even have an electric light for God sake. I wonder what they will saying when we are half way through this century? I'll have to live to be a hundred to find out. Well I guess then I'll be able to tell of the days when a telephone had a cord and dial, the car didn't drive itself and televisions weren't ten foot across. Yup, born in the 1900's. Oh and I just realized that today is Abraham Lincolns birthday. He was born this day in 1809. Yup, honest Abe born in the 1800's. Being born in the 1900's that doesn't seem so long ago now does it.  

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