Friday, February 28, 2020


 Yesterday I was a bit taken aback. Now I'm fully aware of how divided the country is concerning the current president. The hate is palatable. There is no room for discussion, it is just a straight out assault. But I saw this posting of Mike Pence. It was a picture of him touching some object. Now there was a sign clearly posted on it saying, Do not touch. There was a group of people with him. There was no explanation with this photo. I can only assume he was being given a tour of some facility where this object was either made or on display for some reason. I was taken aback by the comments under that picture. People were calling him names and deriding him for " touching." I added my comment saying, like you have never touched paint with a wet paint sign posted. I was immediately attacked as a Trump supporter. Why was that? It was because Mike Pence is the vice-president and anyone that supports Trump is surely a bad person! And I must be a Trump supporter because I said something in defense of Mike Pence. Therefore I'm a bad person too.
 It turned into a bit of a discussion with at least one individual. I was asked , why did he touch it? I don't know the answer to that question. I offered an hypothesis though. It looked like we was being given a tour and perhaps he was encouraged to touch that object. I know that happens all the time with celebrities' and other notables. It's a sort of perk, wouldn't you agree? Whatever the case I was immediately accused of making excuses for him. It was suggested that I also make excuses for Trumps' behaviors. Of course I hadn't mentioned Trump at all but that didn't matter at all. The haters are mind readers as well. I tried to defuse this conversation a bit but there was going to be no reconciliation. Mike Pence is a terrible person that doesn't read signs! It was even pointed out that reading is fundamental! The implication was clear enough, just hate!
 I went on to suggest that we just stop with this juvenile stuff. That wasn't met with anything but derision. And therein lies the root of the matter. There are those that are so anxious to find fault with others that they can't even resist the smallest of opportunities. He didn't read the sign and touched something! OMG, he should be removed from office because, as one person informed me, she had been taught to follow the rules. That same person assured me she had never touched wet paint! I could only assume she never got in the ten items only express lane with eleven items or used the exit door at Walmart to enter the store! I'm betting the tags are still on her pillows and mattress.
 Well whatever the case may be I was a bit disappointed yesterday. I know how a great number of people are just holed up in their little forts and defending their position like the Alamo. I was disappointed however to discover how many were willing to do that over a picture. There were those that seemed to think his touching that object, whatever it was, was a grave offense. If anyone of less notoriety had done that would we have even heard about it? I highly doubt that. What we had was Mike Pence being given a tour, accompanied by a photographer, that snapped this shot. There was no accompanying text. Had he been told to touch it? Did he just decide to touch it? What was the object? Would touching this object cause damage to it? Would this object cause damage to the one touching it? We don't know any of that. Not one single thing. Next thing you know Mike Pence will cross the street against the light! Amazing how petty some have become. 

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