Wednesday, February 5, 2020

this and that

 I didn't stay up to watch the State of the Union address. When I got up the news showed Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech. I heard the end where there was some booing from the Democrats. I guess I wasn't surprised. Well, I'll listen later on. The snippet I have seen is just sad though, doesn't look like we'll get much accomplished anytime soon. The need to vote this group out is evident. And I'm not just complaining about the Dems, there are a number of Republicans that should get the boot as well. We will have our chance in November. Well that's if the Democrats can get those Iowa votes counted in time. What a mess that is. 
 I didn't stay up because I'm not feeling 100%. I have that feeling that the creeping crud or something is trying to take hold. I'm not much on taking medicine for prevention so I'm not going to start taking a bunch of stuff. I believe in letting your body do its' own fighting, until it starts to lose. Then call in the reinforcements, Ginger Ale and chicken noodle soup! But I've got places to go and things to do, no time for that. We've had two days in the sixties and I figure that warm air brought some germs with it or woke some up. Now the rain is coming. 
 Time to get moving and face the day. I'll be moving like an old work horse, head down and just keep on pulling. That's the best way in my opinion. My grandfather told me when an old workhorse lies down he's liable not to get back up. Not knowing anything about horses that could very well be true. I have seen horses lying down in the field, but it seems rare. Well like I said, I don't know much about horses. I know it doesn't do any good to beat a dead horse. I know horses don't have feathers, but there are such a thing as horse feathers. I've even used horse feathers! A horse shoe is good luck but if the horse is missing it, probably not good for him. 
 Enjoy whatever the day has to offer. It's the fifth of February in the year of our lord Two thousand and twenty. I'm thinking I may make a " time capsule " for this year, hide it somewhere. Remember when that was a popular thing? I'm thinking about what I could put in there. Should I include flash drives or sd cards? Would someone be able to read those things in the future? Something to think about. My thought right now is just to collect things over this year and hide/bury or whatever in 2021. Any suggestions?  

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