Saturday, January 25, 2020

what standard?

 I had a minor dust up on Facebook the other day, nothing serious. I had informed someone that I deleted their post due to a certain word being prominently displayed. Seems as though some thought I shouldn't have said anything, just hid the post. I admit to not thinking about that as I tend to let people know what I'm thinking. I just feel like I shouldn't do something like that, behind your back so to speak. Some seemed to take it as an admonishment of their choice of language. Yes, I can see that, although that isn't what was intended. We all worked out our differences and no hard feelings. From now on I will just hide any post containing that word. I won't tell the individual I'm doing it. 
 That little dust up came to mind yesterday as I drove back from the local Walmart. There are several homes along the way that fly flags in support of Trump. I don't mind the flags, for either party, although the Democrats don't have a candidate yet, perhaps their will be Bernie flags. But whatever te case turns out to be, I don't have a problem with folks displaying campaign signs or flag flying. There is one however that I take exception too. This flag supports Trump and along the bottom, in bold print it encourages you to fornicate your feelings! That isn't the exact language used however and it is that I take exception too. I'm quite certain there are others like myself that feel flying something like that in public is just inappropriate. To me it shows a lack of respect or consideration for others. I am aware that it is their right to do so. I also feel that just because you can, doesn't mean you should. It is that that raises my ire. It's the loss of civility that bothers me. And I can't see it any other way. Words like that are only used to incite negative reactions! There is nothing positive about it. It's verbal aggression! I say that because it became evident to me during my Naval career. 
 I left my small hometown when I was 18 years old. I was a bit of a country hick I suppose, a bit naive. Yes I has tried smoking cigarettes, drinking wine, liquor and beer. I had attempted to take liberties with the young ladies. I'd had my share of fights. But the one thing I didn't do was cuss. Nope, didn't use " bad language " in polite company, or in public. No that was reserved for when something really bad happened, then it was either an exclamation or a muttering under your breath. It certainly wasn't something you said in everyday talking. When I was little it would get my mouth washed out with soap. That's what I was told and I never challenged that. Never did have soap put in my mouth. But when I arrived on my first ship the stereotype came to life, there was cussing and cursing with almost every breath. I immediately recognized it for what it was, a defense. Don't mess with me, I can cuss! And yes, while on ship I adopted that policy as a means of fitting in. I'm not proud of that, but I did it. Still I've always left it there, on ship with the sailors. Occasionally when I'm in the company of those that habitually speak in such fashion I will join right in. Hypocrisy? Yes it is and I offer no excuse for it. I do hold a line on where it is " acceptable " and where it is not, and yes, I am the sole judge of that as I set that standard, for myself. 
 The standard is ever changing in society, I get that. The terms used have changed drastically since I was a young man. Many words that I was taught as " bad words " are in common use today. I still cringe a bit when I hear them. An example of that is saying, that sucks. You had better not be saying that in 1965 unless you are in the company of sailors, at sea, hundreds of miles from homes!  Today I hear it all the time. The words spoken on television these days where certainly not allowed back in the day either. That began to change in the movies, hence the " ratings " system. I can see that whole system disappearing in the next decade or so. To me it is all just a lowering of the standard. Ironic isn't it? A standard, also known as a flag or banner, is now flying signaling a lowering of a standard! It is being done so because, it's my right. Yes it is, and with rights come responsibility. And sometimes that responsibility is only to ourselves. We have all heard the expression clothes make the man and it is often attributed to Mark Twain. Shakespeare said similar in Hamlet. " for the apparel oft proclaims the man " is the line. I would say language oft proclaims the man as well. 
 George Washington, yes that George Washington, father of the nation had this to say; " The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean, so low, that every person of sense and character detests and despises it. " I'd say if you feel you need to use that profane cursing and swearing in order to be heard, maybe it's because you aren't saying much worth listening too. Speaking to one another shouldn't be an assault on the senses. An observation of mine: " what begins to be accepted with nervous laughter, soon becomes the norm." It is up to us to establish our personal standard. That's what freedom is all about. Laws restrict or establish standards as well. What standrad will you fly?  

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