Thursday, January 16, 2020


 Back in November my grandson informs me that it is no shave November. Now not knowing whether this is a thing or not I gave it little thought. Truth is I hadn't shaved for a few days because I wasn't going out. Shaving has never been one of my favorite things. Another truth is I am not one capable of growing a really good beard. But Mark suggests I participate in this no shave Novemeber. I agreed. Later, much later I find out this is supposed to be in support of those who have cancer. The treatment for cancer often causes the loss of your hair and by growing yours you are displaying solidarity! At least that is what I read on the Internet. I was supposed to donate all the money I didn't spend on shaving supplies to that cause. It was even suggested I start a fundraiser. Well as I said, I wasn't aware of that at all.
 So here it is January 16, 2020 and I find myself with a beard. Yes I did let it grow. It's winter so the extra insulation can't hurt. I have to say it doesn't look that bad, my wife says she likes it. I'm getting used to it but it requires more attention than just shaving. I want to keep it trimmed and neat. I don't want a " redneck " beard. I'll leave that style to those that can grow one. As I said, mine doesn't grow like that. I had it trimmed when I got my haircut and was told about beard oil. I didn't know there was such a product. I have purchased some and I like it. It makes your beard smell good and keeps it moisturized in addition to conditioning your skin. Well, who knew? I feel rather cosmopolitan. Just a little bit of a dandy. And now I have a bit of an urge to purchase a pipe and smoking jacket. Perhaps a bottle of cognac or brandy. LOL. 
 I have had a goatee in the past. That is when I was just a young man trying to look older. I can remember when I thought that was important. That " goat " was totally unimpressive and looked rather silly. Still at that time I thought it was cool. I've had a moustache as long as I can remember being able to grow one. I have shaved it off and immediately started growing it back! My father was always shaven. Well I mean he didn't have a beard or moustache although stubble was a frequent look of his, would be quite stylish today. As for me I've found I can now grow more hair on my face than on my head! That's fine I am usually wearing a het anyway. Now that is something I got from my Dad, rarely did I see him without a hat of some type. It was a necessity for him, although I wasn't aware of it at the time. You see his hairstyle was the " slicked back " style. At least that is what I call it. That's when you take your hair and comb it straight back. You need a hat to keep it out off your eyes. Now if he was going out on the town or some formal occasion the Vitalis came out. At least a generous amount did. His hair, which was jet black, would be slicked back with just a hint of a pompadour. Not so big he couldn't wear his Fedora but enough to give it style. He did grow a beard in his last few years because he was ill and shaving became just too difficult. 
 Well I'm not sure how long I will keep this beard. It may become uncomfortable in the summer months. In the meantime it's a change. Another funny thing about having this beard is a compulsion to preface my remarks with, I don't always but when I do. Wonder why that is? I am happy to find that I was supporting a cause I agree with, even if I didn't know it. From now on I will be checking on this stuff beforehand. It could have been embarrassing or sending the wrong message. I mean I'm aware of all the ribbons, I heard about the safety pin, but I didn't know about no shave November. All these signs and symbols, it's like gangland out there! 

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