Monday, January 6, 2020


 Sometimes it's exhausting being me and I suppose that is simply because it does require effort. Perhaps that is why I see some people just give up. I get it, there are days I feel like that. I ask myself, what's the point. I feel like I should just sit in the corner and be quiet. I mean, it isn't like anything I'm saying is making a difference to anyone, well except to myself. It's a frustration at times. It's a frustration when I think if I were simply wealthy or some kind of celebrity others would be repeating everything I say as a mantra! It wouldn't make a bit of difference if it contained a shred of truth or common sense. That is how it works with those folks and the ones placing importance on them. All you have to do is listen to them to verify the truth in that statement.
 Now I'm under no delusion that I'm saying anything new or some sort of revelation. I'd say I am repeating a lot of the lessons I was taught as a child. Yes, those lessons are as valid today as they were back in those dark ages of my youth. They were the lessons of common sense and accountability. You know why abortion was considered a bad thing, a very bad thing? It is because you are killing a child. That's the reason for that. If you were a Doctor caught doing that you were held accountable for taking a life! I was taught if you act like some kind of fool, or an idiot, you probably won't get a job much beyond laborer. You don't go to the job interview with a list of demands. I learned you got paid based on your value to the employer, not on what pieces of paper you can present. A masters in basket weaving ain't doing any good if you aren't weaving baskets. But it sure seems to me a great number of people have either never been taught those lessons or have forgotten them altogether.
 I don't enjoy a great deal of popularity, my blog hasn't gone viral. I'm not certain I would want my blogs as a virus though. Virus's aren't good things are they? At least the one's I hear about aren't. I do understand there are good bacteria germs however. I learned all about that when getting my sewer operators license. Of course that bacteria feeds on, well, I don't need to spell that out.
  I'm thinking it is no different than when Jackson Pollock and others convinced rich folks paint drippings were art. They love that stuff and will spend millions to get it. Then they stand there staring, trying to convince you that it is wonderful. I'd probably do the same if I spent a few million on something. How did they do that? They changed the name, that's how. They began calling it abstract, expressionism, cubism, and a number of other ism's. That's when they had to start naming the paintings, so people would know what it is. LOL. Yeah there is the Mona Lisa and Whistlers Mother, those names but they just say who it is, not what. I can't help but notice the trend to rename things today to get people to " buy " it. The same concept applies, make it sound good, enlightened and progressive. In 1921 Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League. It's purpose was to eliminate ( abort ) unwanted children, mostly minorities, poor people, and those deemed unfit. In 1942 the name changed to Planned Parenthood, to clean up the image a bit, make it sound much better, although the mission is still the same, kill unwanted babies, and they are still mostly minorities and poor people. Not much has changed except the name. Well except a lot of people now believe that killing unwanted babies is a plan! What's really scary is they believe it is a good plan.
 Yes there are days when I just feel exhausted. It would be easier to just say nothing, the way many people would like to have it. Silence is consent. It's a struggle for sure. I'll just keep on telling it like I see it regardless. I do get annoyed, frustrated, and at times angry. All of that stems from the fact I can't do anything about it. I'd like to say I believe that one day I may reach someone, anyone, and make a difference. I'd like to say that but I don't believe that. That would be a bit egotistic, presumptuous even. Maybe if I had a string of letters after my name I would feel differently, having been convinced by other people with letters behind their names. Thing is, my thoughts have not been guided or molded by having to provide the " correct " answers. That's what's required to obtain those letters. If you don't give the Professor the answer they expect, you fail. That's how that works.
Yes sometimes it's exhausting being me and that's the reason I understand why others find me exhausting as well. I like to think of it as consistency, other adjectives may apply. As the kids' today might say, It's all good. It's a conciliatory statement.  

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