Saturday, January 11, 2020


 Liberals and conservatives, left and right, opposites and opposition. That's the way most seem to think these days. We hear much talk of people being polarized! What does that mean? North and South? Negative and positive. The examples are many. The challenge is in finding a happy medium. We have to find a way to exist in that medium. Somewhere between the two the pull either way is neutralized, and a state of suspension exists. This is true in the physical world on a very large scale. Indeed the Earth itself is in a sort of magnetic balance between gravity and just flying off into the galaxy somewhere. Scientists have formulated theories about all of this is an attempt to explain it all. I don't believe we have, nor do I believe we ever will. Yes, we have, and will continue to find methods to alter that balance. Einstein theorized E=Mc2 and it was later proven to be true. Well at least our science has been able to reconcile that formula with what we observe in the universe. In short, that seems right. Is there a formula for human interaction? If so, I've never heard of it. That isn't to say it doesn't exist but if it does someone please apply it! 
 The reality is Government is that theory. That is the purpose of government isn't it? To govern the actions of people in a society to create a space for all of us to co-exist in harmony. A general unifying theory is what is required. Science has a hypothesis about a unifying theory for the entire universe. That theory deals with all the magnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear fields uniting to form one field! Now I admit to not really understanding just what that would mean to us as humans, but it's interesting to note that the theory is about unifying, or making one. Sounds like God to me. The tradition, the general consensus among men since the beginning of time, is that God did create it all. So wouldn't it then be reasonable to assume that God is the grand unified theory? Man, scientists, physicists, attempting to explain God. Arrogance, confidence or folly? Dealing with the universe or dealing with man? The question being, is man an integral part of the universe? Or will the universe continue without man? The later seem the most probable. That means it is incumbent upon man to live within the bounds of the universe, within those laws, natural laws, the ordered structure of the universe. 
 Now as man attempts to explain the universe we have to accept what is, not what we wish it where. It would certainly be easier if we could somehow ignore or work around such forces as gravity. Indeed there is speculation that the ancients ( think aliens ) could do just that. That would explain those ancient structures, but we can't. As a result we developed methods having discovered a simple fact. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I'm certain you remember that from sixth grade science.  We could use counter weights, and later wheels and a block and tackle. The ancients discovered hydraulics as well. All of these methods are within the scope of our knowledge of the universe. All are physical realities, they are what is! You say man has learned to fly but that isn't so. Man has learned to manipulate the physical world to create flight. Man still can't fly, that isn't within out ability. We have learned to deal with what is. We learned to overcome a limitation. We have learned to overcome a great many limitations.
 It seems the greatest obstacle of all is man learning to deal with man. That's why man developed religions. Are not religions theories concerned with how to deal with each other and the universe? Man has appealed to God and Gods in an attempt to manipulate reality, to deal with what is. That has always been so. Prayer, sacrifice and the offering of goods are an attempt to influence, to gain a desired outcome. It is an appeal to the universe. Interestingly I just read an article where some scientists now propose that the entire universe has a consciousness. That is to say, an awareness of its' own existence. What is the importance in that? If true, then we could deduce that the universe will respond to the actions of man, We could indeed influence the entire universe! We could influence, possibly learn to control, God! And that is the arrogance of man! Not content to control ourselves, we attempt to control others. The reality is, we really only control our own thoughts and actions. We may indeed exert influence, even impose our will on others, but we still can't control them. We will meet opposition. We have to deal with what is, before we can be concerned with what we wish it were. 
 So what is. That's what we need to know, what is. What is mans' function in the universe. Why are we here and what are we supposed to be doing? Without knowing that it is quite difficult to decide upon a course of action. Our religions teach of a greater reward for a life well lived. We are here to do the work of God. And what is that work? Is it an individual or group goal? Each religion teaches that their's is the way and that's to be expected. The goal there being to get everyone on the same page as it were. But what of those rejecting the idea of God and a greater purpose altogether? How are we to deal with that reality? Some propose subjugating the unbelievers, enslaving them to fulfill there own purposes, others advocate ignoring them altogether. There is even dissention among the " believers " about who is believing what. It's pretty confusing. 
 Now I write all this simply because they are my thoughts. It's a discussion with myself. I find myself having this discussion more often as I age. That makes sense as time is limited. I'm not convinced I need to know my purpose in order to fulfill that purpose. Perhaps all my acts have been predetermined to serve the purpose of God or the universe. There does appear to be an organization to it all. I don't think that happened by accident. From the sub-atomic level all the way up there are concentric circles. Things revolving around one another. They stay that way until an outside force disrupts it. When that happens energy is released, sometime for good, sometimes for bad. It does take an intervention of some sort. Man's intervention? I question if we are knowledgeable enough to be doing that. Could it be mans' intervention in the universe that causes all the issues? We did get a do-over if the flood in the Bible is to be believed, taken as a literal fact. We have evidence to support that, actual scientific evidence. Guess we didn't learn much. That leaves me with a question, just what are we supposed to be doing? As Mick, Rocky Balboas trainer once said: " purpose, what are we waiting for? " What's your purpose? What's mine?      

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