Thursday, January 23, 2020

a new policy

 A Pulitzer prize winning economist, Milton Friedman, said this, " One of the greatest mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions, rather than by their results. " Makes me wonder if any Democrat has ever read a thing that man had to say. They sure don't act like it as they are constantly acting contrary to his advice. The real issue is even when the results are obvious they continue with the program or policy expecting different results. We all know what Einstein said about that, another pretty smart guy they seem to ignore. But then Milton Friedman was a huge supporter of a free market economy and the Democrats are opposed to that so I shouldn't be surprised.
 Now Trump, love him or hate him, has made some changes in trade policy and in treaties. The economy has soared to new heights. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Could it be the prior policies weren't the best? Trump is result oriented, make no mistake about that. That was evident in his " apprentice " tv show. Get results or get fired! Many people pick on him for that show, reality television and all, and I admit I'm not a big fan of reality shows, but still, results are what puts the bread on the table. Another favorite adage of mine is, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So apparently is the road to poverty! Socialism is the proof of that. Full of good intentions, short on results.
 You see with all these well intended social programs and policies comes a financial responsibility. You can't have one without the other. If you want to give something away you have to have something to give! I know that can be a difficult concept for some to comprehend but it's true. Now if I am the administrator of those programs I can just use your finances to accomplish the goal. All I have to do is convince you that you should go along with that. The easiest way to do that is to promise you more, more than what you already have. Yes, you have to give me more of your money but I'll redistribute that money and you will get more stuff, for free! I just won't mention the part about telling you what you need, I'll decide that, after I get what I want. But you do get to tell other people about your benevolence, your caring and understanding.
 I stumbled upon that quote, " One of the greatest mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results" and thought to myself, that's what I've been saying for a long time. That's what my Father used to say, and my Grandfather. They weren't the same words but the advice was the same. It is easy to get distracted from the desired goal. Another adage comes to mind, it is difficult to remember the objective was to drain the swamp, when you are up to your *ss in alligators! In order to drain that swamp you have to get rid of the alligators! You can't do that by placating them, giving them whatever they want, that'll only make them want to stay. No, you need a different policy altogether. 

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