Tuesday, January 14, 2020

looking back

 I looked at the calendar and here it is, the 14th of January 2020. How did that happen so quickly? The holidays are behind us, the decorations mostly stored away, and cupid has appeared. Just like that. All that's left are the bills. And I don't mean the football team, even they are done for the year. Not that I'm a fan it's just an observation. My year has started well, no sickness, no big issues. I've heard others haven't been as lucky. All I can do is offer prayers and pray that it doesn't happen to me. Time just has a way of moving on. 
 I haven't made any big plans for the new year, no resolutions, I'll leave those to the Democrats, and figure on taking life as it unfolds, wrinkles and all. Those wrinkles will iron themselves out after a while. At least they always have, sometimes to my detriment, more often than not they just smoothed themselves out. Just like using a sprinkler bottle, a little rain has to fall before the wrinkles come out. I hear others complaining about their quality of life when things don't go their way. I like to remind them that the finest quality in life is being alive! Almost everything else is optional. I say almost because you do need to eat, drink and have shelter. Anything much beyond that, are the extras. I've been blessed with extras. I have enjoyed good health, that's a blessing for sure. I've enjoyed success in the working world. A loving family, good friends and no enemies. There are some that don't hold me in high regard, but I wouldn't call them enemies. I'd call them balance. Ying and Yang. Everyone needs that in their life so I'm just providing a free service. 
 I did receive a cat as a Christmas gift. I have been without a pet, well unless you count fish and a crayfish, for quite a while. My last cat was one I called Hobo because he was rescued. Someone had left him behind and at first the neighbor feed him. When she moved she told me she was unable to find anyone to take care of him and she hated taking him to the pound. She was afraid he wouldn't get adopted and that would be the end. I brought him home with me although the wife wasn't real happy about that. I called him Hobo because he was just bumming around. Anyway I had him a few years and he just sorta hung around. I don't know his age but he wasn't what I would describe as active, he was rather calm. Not this one! Morris is quite active, jumping on everything. He runs through the house like a flash, upsetting things, jumping on things and generally making us older folks nervous. He enjoys biting my hand then licking it. So now I'm thinking this will be the year of the cat. According to the Chinese this February begins the year of the Pig. I'm glad Christmas isn't in February. 
 We are not even one month into winter and I'm ready for spring. That's 66 days away. Sounds like a lot now but soon I'll be saying, where did winter go? I heard the crocus were up in parts of Alabama. Heck it was 70 here the other day. Global warming I suppose. Trump is still the president, still waiting on the impeachment thing to come to its' obvious conclusion. The election rhetoric is ramping up as Democratic candidates are dropping out. Should prove to be an interesting summer. I don't have any summer projects planned this year but will likely inherit one. And that's a good thing. Life goes on and it seems like it's building steam to use an older saying. Time is getting faster, could be because I'm going downhill. But still, that doesn't mean there aren't more hills to climb. Bring it on 2020 and if all goes well I'll be looking back. That's a 2020 joke you know, hindsight and all that. Isn't that our goal? To be able to look back. When you can't do that it's a real problem. Fact is you can't look ahead, that's a blind spot. So, hindsight is 2020 and it's a good thing!     

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